Strength Workout with Power Cleans & 20:00 Body Weight Fat Loss Conditioning


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The focus of this workout is first to build some full body strength by a 2 part strength portion that focuses on the power clean movement. If you have never done power cleans before I highly recommend you first watch this tutorial video so you can learn how to perform this with proper form: How to Do A Barbell Power Clean: Step... . We then will finish up with a 20:00 body weight conditioning circuit to work on building strength with just your own body weight.

Strength A: Every 2:00 for 5 sets 3 Unbroken Hang Power Cleans around 75% of your 1 rep max. If you don’t know what that is just do 3 at a moderately heavy weight you can do with good form. Your rest time is the time left over within 2:00 after you have performed all 3 reps then start the next set at the next 2:00 mark. (You could do this with dumbbells too)

Strength B: 3 x 5 Clean Pulls. This should be 20-30lbs heavier than what you did for the hang power cleans.

Bodyweight Strength & Conditioning 20:00 AMRAP 5 Strict Pull-ups (can do jumping if you can’t do strict) 10 Push-ups 15 Air Squats 20 Butterfly Sit-ups

Instructions on How to Do Each of These Moves & Modifications can be found here in this video!

@heisking Wow, and wow, you can do power cleans really well, and yeah given 9 sets, I think that is an optimal choice of for however many rounds you do. There's those strict pullups you were doing, you should almost just call those reverse burpees. All that was just my observations of that, and the only thing I would comment on would be that I would actually try going for as much power at the same time as that at the same time. It's great for some people like that, but if that's all your workout really consists of, it's not that much of a workout without a little more speed maybe, but more than that the power behind it to really call it a full workout. It would serve another purpose that way than that. Because if you do them for 20 minutes straight, it's easy to tell that at some point, the quality of form diminishes, you'll end up with less power by the end, but if you were focused on going only for power through all of it, it'll be less likely that around that point the lack of speed contributes less to the conditioning being part of it if you have improper form by the end. And then, if you can at least do that, there's a chance that it will lead to being motivated to still keep going if you still can. I'm speaking about power, not particularly speed itself.

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