Suggested Workout Splits for 2-2-3 Work Schedule?


New member
Hoping some of you guys might be willing to give me suggestions for splitting up my routine with this new schedule I'm working. I started a new job with the following 12 hour 2-2-3 schedule that repeats every two weeks. My job has a gym, so I usually only work out on the days I'm scheduled to work.


I haven't really come up with a good rotation yet, so your suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'm trying to create a well-rounded rotation, but I tend to neglect legs so hitting that a couple times per rotation would be good. Thanks!
@timnx44 Workout Split:
Week 1:
Day 1 (ON): Upper Body Strength

Bench Press
Bent-Over Rows
Overhead Press
Bicep Curls
Tricep Dips
Day 2 (ON): Cardio and Core

30 minutes of cardio (e.g., treadmill, elliptical, or stationary bike)
Russian Twists
Leg Raises
Day 3 (OFF)

Day 4 (OFF)

Day 5 (ON): Lower Body Focus

Leg Press
Calf Raises
Seated Leg Curls
Day 6 (ON): Cardio and Core

30 minutes of cardio
Bicycle Crunches
Mountain Climbers
Plank Variations
Day 7 (ON): Full Body Circuit

Include compound exercises targeting multiple muscle groups (e.g., deadlifts, push-ups, pull-ups, and kettlebell swings)
Week 2:
Day 8 (OFF)

Day 9 (OFF)

Day 10 (ON): Upper Body Hypertrophy

Incline Bench Press
Lat Pulldowns
Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Hammer Curls
Tricep Extensions
Day 11 (ON): Cardio and Core

30 minutes of cardio
Plank to Push-up
Side Plank
Reverse Crunches
Day 12 (OFF)

Day 13 (ON): Leg Day

Leg Extensions
Walking Lunges
Standing Calf Raises
Seated Leg Press
Day 14 (OFF)

Intensity and Volume: Gradually increase the intensity and volume of your workouts based on your progress and recovery.
Listen to Your Body: If you feel fatigued or notice any signs of overtraining, consider adjusting the intensity or taking an extra rest day.
Nutrition and Hydration: Ensure you're fueling your body with proper nutrition and staying hydrated, especially during long work hours.
Feel free to modify this plan based on your preferences and how your body responds. Consistency is key, so find a routine that works for you and fits into your schedule. If you have specific fitness goals or areas you want to target more, you can adjust the emphasis accordingly.

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