The Giant: singles and doubles differences?


New member
Hi all,

I just purchased Kettlebell Hard, along with Kettle Express Reloaded. The program for the Giant in KER is written for a single KB, but are there any differences from the Giant as published as a double bell program? E.g. recommended KB weight(s), sets, reps, rest times ? Or can I just run it as written in KER with 2 bells?

@meeksoul I bought The Giant as a standalone, and it recommends doubles.

For your pressing muscles both are probably fine, but for the cleans doubles are absolutely superior.
@hunter101 I just finished a first run of DFW, and even though the press and squats are the 'focus' of the program, I loved how many cleans it made me do! Really gave me a lot of practice with those. I don't know why, but double cleans just feel badass.
@meeksoul Double clean is awesome!

During my runs of The Giant I've started following up with barbell work. At some point during 1.1 with 28s I started setting new barbell press PRs, despite already being fatigued from C&P.
@meeksoul The program you find in KER is exactly the same as The Giant standalone program. It was originally written as a single bell program but works well as a double bell program too. Just run it as you written in KER.