The weight loss study I participated in has finally been published! (Improved Diet, Exercise, And Lifestyle or, I.D.E.A.L.)


New member
Two years ago, I took part in a weight loss study at my local university, looking at the ideal dietary intake to lose weight and conserve/build muscle mass.

For four months, I had to do cardio 7 days a week and weights 2 days a week. I also had to reduce my caloric intake to 810 Cal plus the study foods (I think that put me around 1330 Cal). Throughout the whole thing, I had my own personal trainer and nutritionist. I lost 25 lbs. It helped me get my life back and I'm now more active than ever.

Note: Please don't do this sort of thing on your own. I had registered dietitians and trainers to watch over me. That sort of a calorie reduction is not a good idea for anybody, especially over the long term.

The findings are not really that surprising. Weight-loss should be accompanied by adequate protein consumption in order to preserve muscle mass/stimulate muscle growth. High protein, low carb. Who'd a thunk?

Here's a university release and short video

And here's the journal's abstract
"The I.D.E.A.L. (Improving Diet Exercise and Lifestyle) for Women study was funded by Dairy Farmers of Canada, the US Dairy Research Institute and Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Agropur Incorporated provided the dairy products used in the study."

I wonder if dairy industries are afraid of Paleo type diets.
@shiningstar For two years you worked out seven days/week on a 1330 kcal/day diet and only lost 25 lbs? Something doesn't add up.

I've cut 60+ lbs. of fat this year already while simultaneously putting on a surprising amount of lean mass. For a few months I was on a self-administered 1000 kcal/day diet (Medifast), then went up to 1900, then maintenance, and now I'm on a PSMF diet I designed that is composed of 1100 kcal/day. And I only lift weights for 45 mins/4x week with a minor bit of cardio sprinkled in.
@williambradley01 If you and I follow the exact same regimen, we will not lose the same weight.

But I digress. You misunderstood my post. As others have pointed out, it was a four month study which occurred two years ago. It takes that long to write up the research.