thoughts on my split and workouts?


New member
p/p/l 6 days a week.
push hypertrophy
3x10-12 flat bench
3x12 db incline press
3x12-15 cable fly
4 sets of failure dips
3x12 skullcrusher
3x12 cable pulldown

pull hypertrophy
3x10-12 deadlift superset with 3x10 wide grip pull up
3x12 bent over row
3x12 lat pulldown
4x10-12 db row
3x12 low cable row

legs hypertrophy w/ shoulders
3x10 back squat
3x10 front squat
4x12 plie squat
3x10 bulgarian split squat
3x12 leg extension
3x12 leg curl
4x12 calf raise
3x10-12 military press
4x12 lateral raise
3x10 cable lateral raise
4x12 face pull

strength days are the same but i move to 5x5 on the compound lifts and do 85% of my 1rm usually. i do progressive overload as well.