Thoughts on my workout cycle?


New member
I go thru this cycle once per session. Thoughts, ideas, critique, SUGGESTIONS are all welcome.

1) Dead hangs until failure. I climb up to a bar and I just hang myself from it for as long as possible. With hands, not neck :p

2)I Do a smaller version of 4x4. Get on a treadmill, walk for 10 min. at a speed that's slightly faster then normal. Then run for 4 min (about 80% of my max speed), then walk (4 min.), then again run and finally walk for about 5 min.

3) Hanging crunches from a bar with extended legs (10 reps.)

4) Split workout following this tutorial (

5)Hanging crunches again (10 reps)

6)sit ups on the floor (10 reps)

7)Asimetric pushups (10 reps with each hand)

8)Moving plank (30 sec.)

9) Jumping with dumbbells (15x)

10) Staff workout- Here I take a staff and do a few spins with it (3 different types of spins in total, I find it to be a good way to move the hips and arms, not really for building muscle/strenght/endurance, more for coordination and joint mobility).


-Bicep curls (10x)

-Lateral extensions (10x)

-Wrist curls (10x)

-Wrist extension (10x)

-Wrist pronation (10x)

-Wrist supination (10x)

There are 2 more but Im having trouble describing them in english, basically you grab the dumbbells, so the rings are at the front and back, relative to you. Now you make a curl at the direction of your thumb (10x) and then at the opposite direction (10x)

These are done standing, in sequence, without rest.

Final dumbbell move is lunges, with dumbbells in hand (10x)

Here I would, ussually take a break if needed.

12) Continiuing I'd do frog jumps (15x)

13) 1 arm negative push-ups (10x with each hand)

14) Height jumps (Basically you go as low as you can and then jump as high as you can with arms up) (10x)

15) 1 arm push-ups on knees (10x with each hand)

16)Horse stance (until failure)

17)Hanging crunches (x10)
