Thoughts on my workout routine?


New member
I created a workout routine for myself. It's a full body workout Monday-Wednesday-Friday alternating between A and B workouts. 4 week mesocycle.

For deadlifts, squats, and reverse hyper I'm doing straight sets and following linear progression, adding 5 lbs when I'm confident in my form.

For everything else I'm following reps in reserve, I do 3 sets of 2 RiR, going down to 1 RiR my second to last A and B workout, and 0 RiR my last A and B workout right before deload week. I add reps for progression until I hit my goal reps on the first set, and then increase weight. For push ups I'm gonna switch to a different chest exercise once I hit my goal of 30 reps, but that's still a while away.

On exercises where I feel I'm not getting enough stimulation I do a myorep match set for my third set, I'm currently having to do that with lateral raises, chest fly, leg extension, and leg curls.

Workout A
-3 sets of 10 Stiff legged deadlift 2.5 minute rest

-3 sets slow and controlled push ups (goal is 30 reps first set) superset with neutral grip assisted pull ups (goal is 15 reps first set), 1 minute rest between each set.

-3 sets leg extensions (goal is 15 reps first set) 2 minute rest

-3 sets of lateral raises (goal is 30 reps first set) superset with face pulls (goal is 20 reps first set), 30 second rest between each set

-3 sets of calf raises (goal is 20 reps first set) 1 minute rest

-3 sets of 12 reverse hyper 2 minute rest

-3 sets external rotation (goal is 20 reps first set) 1 minute rest between each set

Workout B
-3 sets of 8 Barbell back squats 2 minute rest

-3 sets Standing shoulder press (goal is 20 reps first set) superset with inverted rows (goal is 20 reps first set), 1 minute rest between each set

-3 sets chest fly (goal is 15 reps first set) superset with overhead tricep extension (goal is 15 reps first set) 30 second rest between each set

-3 sets lying leg curl (goal is 20 reps first set) superset with dumbell bicep curls (goal is 15 reps first set) 30 second rest between each set

-3 sets hip abduction (goal is 15 reps first set) 1 minute rest

-reverse hyper 3 sets of 12 2 minute rest

Deload week I cut reps in half and drop down to 2 sets, and take Friday completely off.
@hilbrand Forget about designing your own programme.

People think designing a routine and programming is easy. It's not.

Pick something from the wiki either on Fitness or Gainit.
@hilbrand Not yet. The original RP video course was aimed at trainers, or people who already had some level of training experience. Their videos are generally aimed at intermediate and advanced trainees.

That's not to say you shouldn't watch them. You can still learn a lot about technique and the principles of lifting. I would put what you learn into practice alongside an established routine first, then consider designing your own programme once you've been lifting for a year.