Tips and Suggestions for my routine


New member
Hi, I've been doing workout (mostly bodyweight) for quite some time, and now my body has been fairly strong and I need to modify my routine quite a bit. I'm going to share my proposed workout routine, and can you give me some tips or recommendations to make my routine more effective? I'm planning to do clean front and back levers and maybe tuck planches by the end of the year.

Pushing Exercises
-Archers Pushups (3x10)
-Pike Pushups (3x10)
-False Planche PU (3×12)
-Tricep Dips (3x10)
-Forward Lean Dip (3×10)
-Frog stand (3x up to 30s)
Leg Exercises
-Pistol Squats (4x8/side)
-Sissy Squats (3×6)

Pulling Exercises
-Normal pullups (3x up to 10)
-Close grip pullups (3x up to 10)
-L-sit pull-ups (3x8)
-Wide-grip pullups (3x up to 8)
-Tuck Front Lever (3x up to 30s)
-German Hangs (3x up to 30s)
Core Exercises
-Ab roller (4x10) or L-sit (3x30s)
-L-sit Extensions (3x10)
-L-sit Bikes (3x10)
-Hanging Leg Raise (3x10)
-Rotating Side plank (3x10/side)

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