Tips for doing a sustainable cut. Also, how do I know I am gaining muscle, not fat?


New member
Hi, 21F, 5’3”. I started a body recomp journey in April with my goal of getting from 135 lbs to 110 lbs by the fall.

Since then it has been a nightmare, I have gained 13 lbs as of today within 1.5 months.

When I first lost weight around 2 years ago, I went from an XL to an S in about 2-3 months accidentally and I believe I was on a 1000 to 1200 deficit if I could give a rough estimate since I was definitely not tracking and just eating on the go. I found that unsustainable and I have been trying to fix my diet since then.

I started strength training and cardio and have been trying to eat anywhere from 1500 to 1700 calories. But since I have started I have gained weight and gone from a size M up to L to XL. It’s becoming unmanageable to have this extra fluff in daily life.

I have gone on a run and felt people staring at me and laughing at me. Adult women older than me have seen me and fussed with their shirts to hide their stomachs since mine has gotten so disproportionately big as a lot of fat is stored in my stomach.

I don’t mean to really rag on anyone here at my current weight. I’m just not at the physique I want to be at and want to get back to being leaner. I have tried to do a cut to 1200 which failed. And then a cut to 1500 according to my dietitian, which I am currently failing since I tend to eat at around 1800 which is around 100 calories under maintenance for me.

I struggle to fit in 12k steps since it takes around 2-3 hours for me to walk and/or run that much and I don’t have that free time. I tried to do strength training with the CG Iron series and I am seeing results but I am worried that I am not really gaining muscle so much as just more and more fat instead.

Some things that I suspect could be causing issues:
- my meals used to be around 200 calories per meal which was too small for me and caused overeating at the end of the day
- I struggle to drink 8-10 cups of water per day
- idk how to fit steps in as a person taking extra classes and doing sedentary work on top of it
- I started lifting a little heavier and added cardio on top of strength training
- I added mixed nuts and carbs to my diet to fix satiety issues
-I struggle to get enough protein in (~120 g) without maxing my calories and have mainly relied on tofu and protein powder as low cal options

I can’t keep spending money on new clothes just to keep up. Any tips on what am I doing wrong and how to do a sustainable cut?