Training 3 days a week 3 days in a row


New member
I train in jiu jitsu about 2 hours a day 7 days a week. I've included 3 strenght workouts at the weekend, Because of the amount I work and train I genuinely have absolutely no time between Monday to Thursday to workout. What is the best approach for muscle and strenght building when you can only train 3 times a week 3 days in a row? Full body? Body parts? Any advice welcome as I know very little about muscle building
@thankfulone If you only have 3 consecutive days you could do a Push Pull Legs once a week or an Upper/Lower split where week 1 you do ULU and week 2 you do LUL, I definitely wouldn't recommend doing 3 days of full body in a row, but you could do 2 full body workouts with a day off between where you could maybe do moderate level of cardio or something on that day that could help recovery.
@thankfulone This is all just my opinion: Tone down the BJJ sessions by having at least one full recovery day. For years, I’ve seen a lot of guys at my gym go hard like you do, without any breaks, and they always end up with injuries. Then instead of being out for one day a week, you’re out of training for months or for good.

You want to build muscle. I’m assuming big muscles? I tried to body build and train martial arts at the same time and my coach (and others) suggested that I choose one path. Either you want to body build/gain mass or you want to strength train/do martial arts. It’s very difficult to balance both paths for most people especially when they go to BJJ as much as you do. You’d have to eat an ungodly amount of food to counteract the calories you’re burning to have enough over your maintenance to bulk up. It’d be uncomfortable and expensive as hell.

I would just stick to strength training and your BJJ sessions if I were you. Your muscles will be become stronger and maybe a little bigger but you won’t get bulky. A lot of the times you’ll be stronger than the bulky guys anyways if you haven’t noticed already. Try to split the 3 weight training days as much as you can IF you can. Stick to compound lifts, different ones for each day, heavy 5setsx5reps routine. For BJJ training specifically, I’d also add in some neck, shoulder, and wrist/forearm exercises.
@mony44 I train 7 days a week but it's very structured. I have easy roll days and just drilling days in order to keep the volume of training, I also just listen to my body and if I need to take a rest day I'll do so.

With regards to muscles, I actually have quite alot of muscle, im about 90kg/190 lbs but I'm just looking to get stronger and bring a new level to my S and C and obviously look better. Martial arts will always take precedence but I'd also like to get the most out of weight training

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