Training for 10min Long Cycle


New member
  • Training frequency: 3/4 days in the week
  • Competition: May
  • Current: Can go up to 6 mins at 6-7rpm with 16kg bells
  • Past: DFW with 1x24kg, Long Cycle of Death with 1x24kg, SBD with some more exercises focused on hypertropy at gym(a year ago).
  • Location: Garage
  • Equipment: 2x Adjustable KBs(upto 32kg each), 1x 12kg, 1x24kg, bands and a pvc pipe for stretching and mobility exercises
I am looking for a program which has combination of training and GPP, and I understand it would be difficult to get the best of both worlds with limited equipment. Planning to record all sessions so I can note rep count, will post the inital sessions here for form check.

Here is what I am thinking, might need some fixing..

Start and Finish with some stretching and mobility exercises.


Long cycle Pyramid
5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 reps with 30 sec rest between sets

KB Swings - KB Goblet Squats - Push-ups
3 sets x 10 reps with 60 sec rest between sets

Long cycle
8 sets x 8 reps with 60 sec rest

KB Rows - KB Lunges - Sit-ups
3 sets x 10 reps with 60 sec rest between sets

Long cycle Test
10 min AMRAP

KB Snatches - KB Windmills - Burpees
3 sets x 10 reps with 60 sec rest between sets

Long cycle
5 sets x 10 reps, rest for 90 sec between sets

KB Press, KB Cleans, Swings
3 sets x 10 reps with 60 sec rest between sets
@juulia Your program seems to be lacking a gradual volume increase in your main exercise which is the long cycle.
You immediately dive into the ten minute test, which doesn’t make a lot of sense this far out of the comp.
Build a meaningful progression for it and then add easy pieces for other complementary exercises
@juulia Here's a 6 week follow all long cycle program. Multiple national records have been set using this program.

The pace setting in this program is using 16 as well.

It's only 2 days per week, but you would supplement with conditioning on at least 2 of your off days which I would provide.

6 week long cycle program

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