Training once a week


New member
I’ve been lifting for like a year (I’m 18)

In the beginning, I’d workout 7 days a week, but as time went on I dropped my frequency to 6, then 5, then 4, and eventually I settled on 3 for the past like 5 months.

I’ve been traveling around Europe recently, only able to lift like 1 or 2 max times a week and for some reason I’m lifting heavier and stronger than ever before.

For example usually I can only do Incline DB 70 x 5, but in the past few weeks of only training like 1 session a week my numbers have gone up to 80 x 7.

Is this normal? Should I continue only training 1x per week bc im making way more progress than 3-4x per week

Thank you 🙏
@pmichel It's because you're properly recovered now, so your performance is peaking. Also you're still a beginner, so almost any stimulation will make you grow stronger.

You won't get much progress out of it for long though, as it's just not enough work, but training once a week will stop you from losing much if that's all you have time for.

It's easier to maintain muscle than grow it.
@pmichel You'll be able to maintain going once as long as you hit all muscle groups. Training full body twice a week is enough to consistently grow, especially since you're a beginner.
@pmichel " Should I continue only training 1x per week bc im making way more progress than 3-4x per week "

I think the answer is definitely yes, atleast for the short term.

You literally are saying your got greater results with less efforts. I can't think of any good reason one would want to switch to giving a greater effort for less benefits.

Personally in my own experience I am coming to a similar experience, conclusion and think I may end up switching to once a week full body workouts for the long term

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