Training Protocol to Supplement Marathon Training


New member
Title pretty much says what I'm looking for, need some input on routines to supplement my training.

Regarding KB I'm not a complete beginner, did EtK in 2020 up to being able to snatch 20kg KB ~160 times in 10 minutes and did the 10000 swings challenge with the 24kg KB in early 2021.
Since than I never completly gave up on KB but focused more on barbell lifting with the occasional swings thrown in.
Since 4 weeks I'm back with the KB and I'm having a blast, so I want to continue it while preparing for my second marathon mid March.
So far I've done some Carry Workouts, tried out the Armor Building as well as High Tension complex and did some self-planned C&P, C&J and Snatch Workouts but I feel I haven't really found "my thing" for the next few months, so I'm looking for your help - preferrably from someone who has experience combining running & KBing, but any input is well appreciated.

P.S.: in 2024 I want to go for the RKC RoP but i fear it will je too taxing on the legs to jump right in before the marathon.
@michaelsu Idk how fast you're running vs. just wanting to finish but I was able to do Rite of Passage blended with barbell training & kettlebell sport half marathon training a couple years back.

Within that training block I pulled off a 1:40:00 half marathon & did a 19 mile Spartan race in the same week.

So unless you're like really gunning for a sub 3 or something like that you can probably do a hefty amount of strength training. Just eat and make sure your marathon programming is solid
@ant0099 I'm not shooting for a particular Time just looking to be better than with my last one so below 4:30:00 would be great - but I'm not a good runner and never will be, so I'm not that concerned about the time.
@michaelsu I've gone from doing an 18km run in about 2h44m in August last year at ~88kg to 21km in 2h17m24s last Saturday at ~96kg. I don't know what your level is at, and whether this qualifies as good or bad for you.

My improvement came off the back of running The Giant + The Giant for front squats + The Giant for double snatch, and then following up with King Sized Killer. If I could do it again I probably wouldn't change anything.

Armor Building Complex is great too, but too many people just say "all right, let's do a set evy minute on the minute", without an actual plan for progression. I personally like to do Waving Density.

My current approach is just me getting into the gym as many times in a week as possible, barring very high levels of fatigue. My running is also just as much mileage as possible in a week, with one 21km run every weekend. (Two weeks ago I failed, so last week I did 21kms on both Thursday and Saturday to make up for it).
@hunter101 These are more or less my numbers, I weigh in at 3kg less and ran the half-marathon during my marathon ~4 minutes quicker so I'll definitley Look into The Giant

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