Turning 60 in a few days and would like to share my experience over the last 8 years


New member
Hi folks,

I have been reading this community since 6 months now and this is my first post. I have learned quite a lot being member of this forum and would like to share some of my ideas.

Regarding my person: working in the IT business for +35 years. Many hours at the desk in my home office and 8 years ago I decided to change my life and become more active. Doing so I started with endurance (running, Mountain biking) and added BWF 3 years ago.

Here some of my achievements:
o 13% body fat (80KG, 186cm)
o 10k personal best: 40:56
o Marathon personal best: 3:22:44
o Pull Ups: 37
o Dips: 3
8 (+5KG)
o One Arm Hang: 35sec (rarm), 12 sec (l arm) – this took me +2years to achieve
o Pistol: right leg, yes – left leg, still working on
o Jefferson curls: 26KG - 530sec (every month I add +1KG)
o L-Sit: 5
o Wall handstand: 5*40sec

And here my top 10 rules/ideas/principles/hints:

1.Biking: Buy a map of your town. Use a circle and draw a 3 miles ring around your home. Every settlement you have to do inside this ring do by your bike. No exception.

2.Nutrition: About this topic and the many discussions I read I am really wondering. We all make it too complicated. I try to live a diet that I can follow not only one week but the whole year. This means: I buy my food at a local farmer and at the weekly market. Try to cook by myself as soften as possible and don´t buy (sure with some exceptions) in a super market. In general: better to eat junk food with friends and laugh and enjoy live instead of sitting alone in the kitchen eating „super food“

3.Training plan: What ever you want to achieve search for a proper training plan. Best period of time is 12 weeks. Try to stick to this plan. Don´t jump to the next „hot one“ you find in the internet. After 12 weeks have a look at your results and select another one or move forward with the old one but do some modifications.
4.Become your own coach: Everybody is unique; what works for all the rest might not work for you. Modify a training plan if necessary. It´s always your own responsibility; not matter if you have success or if you fail.

5.Take your time: it doesn´t make a difference if you can do the new trick or exercise in one year, 3 years, or even after 10 years. BTW training is not a kind of hobby it´s a way how to live better. And your goal should be to do this for the rest of your life. For me that means hopefully another 20 years…

5.Learn something new: Once a year try to learn a new sport. For me it was this year Olympic Weight Lifting. Doing this for 3 months now once a week and it´s a very good addition to my „standard“ BWT.

6.Fitness studio: cancel your membership. Instead buy rings, parallettes, a pull up bar, and a stall bar. This is all you need for your BWT; only 400bugs. Doing it in this way you save time and money and you can train at any time.

7.Add stretching: Once a week (Sunday morning) I do 2*30 minutes stretching to achieve the middle and the front split. Every week I want to improve by 1cm. Doing so I have improved both splits by 26cm from beginning of the year. For me that´s a great result.

8.Track your success: I love numbers and statistics. I track everything I can to see if I make progress or not. Once a month I go to a physio. He owns an high end body scale; paying 15$ each time I get all relevant data (muscle mass, body fat, girth, biceps, legs,…) and an „overall fitness number“. Beginning of the year this score was 86 (from 100) now it´s 85 and it looks like I have to train more.

9.Rest days: During your rest day just go out for a one hour walk. Use the time in the nature to think about your life, your training and be happy that your are able to do so. Many other people can´t. We all are member of this community and should be proud to be here and try to change our life – and that of our family and friends – to a better one

10.Training time: Multiply your age by 10: this is the number of minutes you should train per week. For me this means 60y*10=600 minutes = 10hours per week.

I know many of you will not agree on certain topics. This is totally ok and I am fine with it. Just my own experiences and again we all are different.

11.Most important one
And a last hint (not by me) but (if I remember right) by Al Oerter (4 times gold medal winner in a row in discus) I try to follow:

Start every training with a smile!
@jessehove04 Just interested in this one:

10.Training time: Multiply your age by 10: this is the number of minutes you should train per week. For me this means 60y*10=600 minutes = 10hours per week.

On what is this based? Or own invention?

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