Ugh. Didn’t complete the scaled version and feel like a failure


New member
I scored 171pts. Mad I didn’t get the last 9 burpees. Body hurts more than I wish to admit.

It rekt me. Knees are bruised. Chest is raspy now.

Considering retrying on Monday if I feel better.

Update: wow thank you everyone! I feel a lot better and appreciate you all.
@evelovethelord When I’m having a low energy day or a bad DOMS week and can’t bring myself to work out, I just do a set of squats in my basement and I tell myself at least I didn’t just sit on the couch and do nothing ha ha
@ilovejesus56129 I got through 135 reps Rx, and that was 35 reps more than I expected lol. Doing the workout is a win in itself, since you’re stronger now than before you did it. Great work!
@uscgbpd I'm the same, was debating if I should Rx and coaches pushed me to do it and got 162 reps. Proud of myself as I only got into Rx dumbbell for snatches.
@ilovejesus56129 I finished at 165 scaled.

I am happy I showed up and was able to pace myself adequately. Pacing has been my weakness since forever and that is a hige achievement.
I am proud of you ❤️
@dawn16 Pacing and scaling will take you far over time. Especially in longer workouts where you can build up zone 2 time, that will serve you better than the person redlining every workout wondering why they’ve hit a plateau
@ilovejesus56129 I had two knee replacements in 2022. Other than last year’s Open and a comp last fall I haven’t done regulation burpees or jump overs since early 2022. Made it 108 reps and I was absolutely pumped to get that far.
@ilovejesus56129 I know the competition is what provides the sizzle in CF especially this time of year when normal people with lives, kids, jobs or whatever suddenly get lumped in w/PROFESSIONAL, elite athletes. I did scaled today. I walked away the same 44M as I walked in as, but walked out uninjured, signed up for tomorrow morning’s partner WOD & ready for the rest of my work day, evening with the kids and a couple Friday night beers. Make this shit what you want I to be for YOU. Forget all the noise and Friday Night Lights.
@parkerncara THIS, right? I guess I could let it consume my life, but same, I want to do the team WOD this morning, not fall asleep in the cinema later, and do some gardening tomorrow!
@parkerncara This is exactly the attitude I’ve been trying to describe in my feelings toward CF/the Open. I love the community and the push to see what we can do and accomplish hard things. I don’t like the pressure to feel like we have to compete at an elite level.

Thanks for putting into worlds what I’ve had a hard time expressing for myself.
@ilovejesus56129 You’re not a failure. I only got 140. Burpees just eat my lunch every time. I knew it would. Right before my heat I heard someone encouraging another guy at about my level “keep getting one more rep, let’s go!” I never broke for too long. I wasn’t moving fast, but I at least kept moving. That’s my win this week.
@ilovejesus56129 Feel free to retry, but don't be upset about not finishing.

Burpees are my freaking nemesis, plus jumping OVER the DB???

I considered doing female Rx, but 35# snatches are CRAZY heavy for me; I can only do one at a time. I might try Rx Sunday to see.

But I did Scaled tonight. 106 reps. EVERY jump over the DB was a new PR for me.