Updated workout routine 31 M 168lbs

Here is my old post and workout:
I have learned that my sets per week was all over the place so I have tweaked my workouts so I can get around 10-20 sets per muscle group without considering crossover. (correct me if I am wrong here about crossover). Hopefully, this one is better. I had some injuries in the past, so I mostly do machines. However, I do hang cleans, not so heavy, because it is one of my favorite workouts. To be honest, I am a little bit curious about my back/bi day since I do cleans. It hits so many muscles that I have a hard time choosing how many sets for my other workouts. Trying to build more muscle for aesthetics. Would love your suggestions! Thank you in advance.

Day 1: Back/bi/Leg

Hang clean 5 x 8

Front pull down 3 x 8

Lat pull down 3 x 8

Cable row 3 x 8

Wide grip biceps machine 4 x 8

Narrow grip hammer curl 4 x 8

Seated Leg press 5 x 8

Leg extension 5 x 8

Seated leg curls 5 x 8

Back extension 4 x 8

Day 2: Chest/Tri/Shoulder

Chest Press 4 x 8

Incline Chest press 4 x 8

Shoulder press 4 x 8

Rear Delt fly 3 x 8

Lateral shoulder raises 3 - 4 x 8

Tricep dips 3 x 8

Tricep extension 3 x 8

Abs 5 x 8

obliques 4 x 8

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