Very uplifting article I found about female strength training. Belief in yourself and your abilities is so important!!


New member

^There's the article.

I recommend reading the whole article, because it's awesome, but here are some specific bullet points I want to share with you all:
  1. Women build just as much muscle protein after training and after meals as men. In fact, one study found that given the same level of muscle mass, women have a higher rate of muscle protein synthesis than men.
  2. Elite, natural female athletes have 85% as much muscle as elite male athletes.
  3. People have lower expectations of women, even most women themselves underestimate what they can achieve physically compared to men. In a famous study, simply telling people they were on steroids increased their strength gains by 321%.
  4. So what do you think it does to women when you tell them they have 15 times less testosterone?
  5. Growth factors like IGF-1 and growth hormone take over the anabolic role that testosterone has in men (so our lower testosterone is not as much of a disadvantage many people think it is).
  6. Women are underrepresented in sports and in the gym.
  7. We don’t have the same expectations of women. If a man benches a lot, that’s taken as a sign of social dominance. If a woman benches a lot, she’s seen as a freak, people get worried
In short, there is SO much more going on here, both scientifically and on a psychological level than "low testosterone." We have got to believe in our muscle-building capabilities!!

He also mentions that some of his natural female clients sometimes grew too much muscle for a bikini competition and he had to work with them to slim them down, which I thought was funny.
@christi79 Well the reason for many of these things is that historically there has been greater incentive for males to compete more ruthlessly due to bateman's principle, hence men going to war etc. You fail to recognize that men pay for this apparent advantage through shorter lifespans, increased risk of death, being less likely to reproduce than women, etc.
@christi79 I know for a fact I'm stronger than most men on this earth. We don't have to fight to even prove it I can just look at them and see it. I had an abusive ex who was about 300 pounds, like five times taller than me, and I literally picked him up and threw him onto the ground bodyslammed him WWE style.

They're not gonna convince me theyre somehow stronger than me and theyre some authority figure over me. They're just not.

I would never submit to someone who is weaker than me. If you want to be an authority figure or leader to me, you must show me your strength and skills and qualifications that I should even see you as a leader.

That's why these men are just not leaders. They are really just creatures that are way too loud that wish they had power over a world that they just do not and is time for them to stop.

They are the only ones that be so tired and lazy anyway that want to be resting and relaxing all the time. So they need to go rest and relax and let women do what the hell we got to do, because we all have a lot to do.

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