Want to get my PPL plan checked


New member
So I've been working out for about 2 months as per the PPL plan given here and by Athlean-X. I know that fitness isn't a sprint and I gotta take my time, but I don't really think I'm seeing the newbie gains yet. My arms did grow the first month but for the past month I've been pretty busy with exams so was only able to hit the gym 2-3 times per week (skipped legs pretty much to focus more on Push and Pull). This has also resulted in my progression sort of hitting a plateau (did recently go up on Bench Press, concentration curls, and lateral raises but that's about it).

So I thought I would post my routine here and get some inputs about whether I'm overtraining my muscles or what?

  1. Bench press - 4x5, 1x5+
  2. 4x8-10 Dumbbell shoulder press
  3. 3x10-12 Lying Tricep Extension SS 3x10-12 Dumbbell Waiter's Curl
  4. Standing Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extension - 3x10
  5. 3x15-20 Lateral raises
  1. Concentration curls - 4x12
  2. Hammer curls - 4x12
  3. Walk away curls - 3x10
  4. Seated cable rows - 3x12
  5. Straight arm pushdown - 3x12-15
  6. 3x6-8 Barbell Curls SS 3x10-12 Triceps pushdown
  7. Face pulls - 5x15-20
  8. Dumbbell shrugs - 3x12
Don't skip legs. That is all.

I was getting knee pain actually a couple weeks ago. That's when I thought of stopping legs for some time. Exams hit around the same time so it was easier to justify my decision lol. Will look to get back though for sure.

Too much biceps not enough back

Fair enough. Do you have any recommendations where I can find a good PPL split?
how the hell do you start a pull day with 3 curl exercices ????

These are not in any order lol. I usually go in this order: seated cable rows, straight arm pushdowns, concentration curls, face pulls, the superset, hammer curls, face pulls, dumbbell shrugs

guys, please stop listening to athlean-x, he's the bullshit master of youtube.

I see. Any reason behind that? Although I did switch over to Jeff Nippard lately so I guess it's all good