Weekly Split Assumptions + Questions


New member

Im relatively new to weight lifting. 4 months in, and have been using a lazy variation of PPL: P,P,L,P,P,R,R where (R=Rest). The results have been great but the more i look into optimizing the time I spend, I find myself questioning what I know and what is best. My hope for this post is to take away what split is best (for me) and an understanding of why so I can adjust when/if my situation/environment changes.

Im gonna start with my assumptions/current understanding:

a1 - Most muscle groups need twice per week training

a2 - We train specific muscles on certain days (instead of full body) because it causes those muscles to tear more and then grow back stronger + gives more time for it to rest

a3 - Higher Reps/Lower Weight -> Muscle Endurance; Higher Weight/Lower Reps/Long time between reps -> Strength

Main Question:

Why do people do [Chest/Tri/Shoulder; Back/Bi; Legs] splits rather than ones that can be superset (e.g. [Chest/Bi; Back/Tri; Leg/Shoulder])?

Current explanation i see when searching: Many workouts are compound and work those muscles in groups (e.g. bench press touches front delts, chest, tris), making it a logical pairing. But this is where im confused because then based on a3, wouldnt that fatigue the non-dominant muscles for other workouts that target them, leading to less weight handled, leading to less strength? + the inability to superset, causing workouts to be slower?

So wouldnt doing splits that can be superset (to save time), have better results? I noticed online some influencers already do this, but none of the resources online mention anything aside from PPL, Bro Split, Full Body.

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