Weight Loss Journey


New member
Hey guys, I just started going to the gym on Monday. I started a pretty basic A/B split program consisting of a schedule that looks like this
M: A
W: Rest
T: A
F: B
S: Rest
S: Rest

The workout schedule fits perfectly with what I want to do, I just want to make sure I’m doing the correct workouts to help me with my goal. For instance, what I’ve been doing so far doesn’t include any cardio and primarily focuses on weightlifting which is fine but my primary goal is to lose 35ish lbs to get me to my goal weight of 195.

My question is would any of you be able to piece in a good workout plan for me? I don’t expect immediate results by any means, I just don’t want to waste my time doing things in the gym that aren’t focusing on my goals of weight loss.

My nutrition is overall getting better, but it’s definitely my biggest struggle.

@rosie88 If your only goal is to lose weight, just be in a calorie deficit and do anything you want to in the gym, whether it be weight training or cardio. There are tons of workout plans online and YouTube you can check out
@rosie88 Alpha progression is a pretty good app I’ve been using it since June it has several different options for plans and instruction videos and pictures for exercises it is $11 a month or so. It can generate a plan for you. A good free app for tracking nutrition is NutritioniX. ChatGPT can also generate some good plans as well.

A 4 day a/b workout split is pretty good I ran one for almost a year and a half before going onto PPL. Its great until until you need like abs legs and neck or start needed 4-5 sets of stuff a piece.

Weight loss phases will mean that your not going to see alot of rapid strength and rep gains sometimes like 1 rep a week or week and a half depending on circumstances. So really its about buillding the habit and getting experience with the exercises and familiar with your gym and equipment and finding out some things you like or dont like or need to change.

I would start off trying out a plan or program and getting the hang of it and going to the gym and working into things and getting familiar with it, then work some cardio in after your comfortable and familiar after maybe a few weeks.

You could do chest triceps and shoulder on A day and legs back and biceps on B. In that order.

An outdoor bicycle ride on the regular for a half hour to an hour once or twice a week or more and maybe some jump rope for 8-10 minutes with 2-3 minute reps and 2 min breaks will burn calories really fast, coupled with an hour or two of lifting even faster.

Alright so we’ll start off with something a bit easy im gonna assume you have machines and some dumbbells

Take 2.5-3 min breaks in between sets and 3.5 min breaks between exercises. Dont stick to this religiously there is way way better but as your just starting this wont be to bad. Leave 1-2 reps in the tank so to speak and just try to train to technical failure on the last set of an exercise
  • Chest day tri shoulder A1-
Chest press machine - 4 sets of 12 reps.

Machine or cable chest fly - 3 sets of 12 reps

Skullcrusher dumbbell - 3 sets of 10 reps

Tricep cable pushdowns - 2 sets of 12 reps

Machine rear delt - 4 sets of 12 reps -

Lateral raises DB - 2 sets of 12 reps

Lateral raises cable - 2 sets of 12, put pulley at middle of body and pull full ROM

—- back and leg day B1 —-

Smith machine lunge or leg press - 4 sets of 10 (or 12 if leg press)

Seated leg curl - 4 sets of 12

Leg extension - 2 sets of 15

Smith machine rows or seated cable row - 3 sets of 8 or if seated cable row 3 sets of 12

DB pullover - 3 sets of 10

Incline bicep curl - 3 sets of 10

Cable bicep hammer curl - 3 sets of 12

—- chest day A2 —-

Incline DB press at 45 deg - 4 sets of 12

Machine or cable fly or assisted dips - 3 sets of 12 reps

Skullcrusher with a bar or ez bar - 3 sets of 10

Tricep overhead cable extension - 2 sets of 12

Rear delt fly DB - 3 sets of 12

Upright rows or if unable to upright row do lateral raises - 3 sets of 10 for row, 3 sets of 12 for raises

—- back day b2 —-

Leg press- 3 sets of 12

Seated leg curl machine - 3 sets of 12

Leg extension - 2 sets of 15

Reverse smith machine row or a flat dumbbell row - 3 sets of 8 for reverse grip row or 3 sets of 10 for dummbell row

Machine lat pulldown or assissted regular pullups - 3 sets of 12 for pull down or 3 sets of 12 for assissted pullups

Incline hammer curls - 3 sets of 12

Cable bicep curl straight or curved bar - 3 sets of 12

@rosie88 Calorie restriction is the best way to lose weight. Just make sure you get your macros in. When I want to restrict calories, I eat more plain salads with Romain lettuce. Another suggested caffeine drinks to suppress the appetite.

Lifting weights to build muscle also helps with weight loss. But not as much for losing weight.

@rosie88 Hey! I'd love to put a plan together for you. I'm an online personal trainer and can offer personalized training plans based on your goals and macro guidance to help you track your food intake to reach those goals! I just want to motivate people to get in shape and live their best lives so my rates are affordable (and flexible).