Weight not budging


New member
I started my weight loss journey recently. I am 17 5’3 started at 75.5 kg (166lbs) and after 2 months on a consistent calorie deficit (I eat 1500 cals a day) I’ve become around 71kg (156 lbs). Really happy with these results and am seeing subtle differences in my appears (specifically my waist!), but am getting discouraged as I’ve been on 71kg for about 2weeks now. I understand everyone face s bumps along their journeys and weight loss isn’t linear, but I’m starting to worry this is getting me l nowhere. I really do want to be a healthy weight a companied by a healthy bmi and love my body but it is hard.

I also finally reached 70.8kg then had a party the same day at went back to 71.5kg. Obsessing over numbers is constantly tiring. Any advice would be extremely appreciated 💗
@srm85 Plateaus happen. If you’re stuck, you will need to possibly adjust your calories. When you lose weight your caloric needs also decrease. Try having slightly less calories for a week and see what happens.

Also, take body measurements instead of just the scale. I’ve only lost 5lbs since January 1, but I’ve lost over an inch on ALL of my measurements. The scale doesn’t tell us everything.

Also also, don’t measure twice in one day. You could gain a pound just after drinking a glass of water. If anything, weigh daily and take the average of your weight from the entire week to see the overall trend.
@charles15 Okay thank you so much 💗 I think rather then eating 1500 cals I’m golfing to go done to 1400 and see what happens from there- thanks again :))