What’s been a major health/physical benefit of being vegan that you didn’t expect?


New member
For me, other than it being an ethical way to coexist with other living creatures, a major benefit I’ve discovered since making the change is how I rarely if ever feel bloated from eating. My whole system seems to be running clean and it’s also given me a lot more energy throughout the day.
@saramae Body odor and not feeling like I need to sleep as soon as I wake up. I don't know if this has anything to do with veganism but it helped with my menstrual cycle as well.
@saramae Less gas, clearer glowing skin, more energy, increase in lean muscle mass and decrease in body’s fat, less body odor, and an overall better since of well being! I’ll never stop being vegan ever!
@saramae No dairy no bloat is a big one for me. I was 10 months in and Subway gave me regular cheese on accident which I didn’t clock until my last few bites. I clocked on when my stomach starting knotting. Never again milk.
@saramae I used to have to pay attention to serving sizes and calorie counts to not gain weight, now my weight is constant at a healthy number just through intuitive eating.
@jenniferx0 I noticed this for myself as well. I’m hovering around 174-175 lbs which is a good weight for me whereas around this time last year I was somewhere between 195-200 lbs. The difference is staggering. I still try not to go overboard when I eat but like you I don’t feel the pressure to count every single little calorie. It’s very freeing.
@saramae I live in Siberia, so winters are cold. I used to get regular cold extremities that didn't get warm unless I went inside. Now, even if my hands and feet get cold, they warm up in a few minutes and, as long as I don't take off my boots and gloves, they don't get cold again. On top of that, without much cardio training, my endurance improved at least twofold, and now I'm not struggling to breathe during jogging - my legs get tired first instead. Plus I lost more than 10kg since I went vegan, and that's pretty good for me - I was near 100kg, which was too much even for my height.
@saramae My hB count went up and stabilized within a range where I could for the first time donate blood, and have been able to ever since. Had no idea that would or could happen so it was a fun little side effect.

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