What blood work should I get based on the previous results?


New member
I got the blood work done 4 years ago due to pubertal gyno.

Urine was normal (within ranges), here's the blood work:
  • S-PTH 22 ng/L
  • s-testosterone 10,8 nmol/L (~ 317 ng/dL)
  • s-lh 1,5 UI/L
  • s-fsh 2,2 IU/L
  • s-tsh 2,77 mU/L
  • s-ft3 5,2 pmol/L
  • s-ft4 13,6 pmol/L
  • prolactin (POOL and PEG) 8,5 ug/L
  • IGF-1 292 ug/l.
  • MRI of pituitary gland - everything within a normal range
Endo didn't check other hormones. Also, reference ranges were not provided so they should be compared with these I suppose: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reference_ranges_for_blood_tests#Sex_hormones
I didn't get any treatment (TRT etc.).

I have been working out for 7 years and I still do (heavy weights, 5 times a week, 12 % bf). Recently I have implemented quite some new supplements into my regime based on thorough research: tongkat ali, panax ginseng, ashwagandha, maca, rhodiola and DIM. Although I haven't noticed any dramatic changes yet, I think that this combo should at least have some noticeable effect for my hormones, especially those which are in the bottom of the range otherwise. If you have a look at the previous blood work, that seems to be the case for T and LH.

I think it would be a good idea to do another blood work now and see how things are standing. Which hormones would you recommend me to test? I was thinking of:
Total T, free T, estradiol, LH, FSH, SHBG, T3, T4 and TSH. Do you perhaps have a better suggestion?

p.s.: I would also like to check thyroid hormones since I consume a lot of EGCG which drastically lowers T3 and T4 in rats. I'm really eager on how does it affect me hormone wise.
@stretchmyhand you should talk to an endo, but a full metabolic panel, thyroid panel, and hormone panel should cover a broad enough base to catch any issues if there are any.