What can I do in conjunction with StrongLifts?


New member
After a 3-year hiatus, I decided to go back to StrongLifts. (M W F) 3 days a week.

For the last 2 years I have been doing a 5 or 6 week bulk program (JEFIT)

Is there a program that I can do on days I am not doing StrongLifts (T T S)?

I could do cardio, but it's boring. I would rather lift weights. Any suggestions?
@sagirl I personally would highly recommend against Stronglifts. It's really a program focused on building strength for the sport of powerlifter. If you want to be a powerlifter and compete in that sport head over to r/powerlifting and ask about begineer routines. If you just want to look good w/ your shirt off you came to the right place. So you tell me what you're goals are.
@dawn16 I understand that. I've been on a few JEFIT bodybuilding programs for the past 2 years. I loved the results. But now I want to build some strength for few months (to hit some PBs on these workouts) and then go back to the programs I was doing before (daily splits).

Not here looking for recommendations for/against StrongLifts. Looking for ideas what I can do on my other days when I am not doing it.
To be fair to OP, I understood that he has not trained for 3 years. The 2 years of bodybuilding training was before he took time off.