What do y’all think of speakeasy gyms?

@neogaia777 I can't believe people here don't realize not only gyms are being affected. And the reason is for such hurting across the whole nation is the lack of effective federal response to the pandemic.

The $1200 one-time payment plus absolute farce of distribution of $500 billion was an embarassment of a response.

On top of that, the continued downplaying of safety measures by the President plus his censoring of the sharing of information between groups responsible for evaluating and updating these safety measures is an international embarrassment and has needlessly (and harmfully) politicized things like wearing a mask and complying with business shutdowns.
@stthomaschristian I am amazed at how polarizing this issue is, after reading through the comments.

I think that adults are free to make their own choices when it comes to their health. Much like consuming alcohol, drugs and tobacco. Driving a car, crossing the street, downhill skiing, snowboarding, dirt-biking, quadding, etc, etc, ad nauseum.

I also believe small business owner have a right to support their families, communities, and employees. I don't see an issue with gyms being open, as people are ASSUMING the risks when they go. The first time I went to a CrossFit class, I had to sign a waiver... How is this any different? Particularly when smart business owners will be doing their due diligence when it comes to proper hygiene.

I added "smart" intentionally. We all know there are exceptions to every rule.
@dawn16 As we have clearly seen demonstrated time and time again, the actions you take as an individual effect those around you. When you consent to go to the gym and risk getting the corona virus you are consenting for everyone else you interact with: Your kids, their teachers, the grocery store clerk, the families of those listed. The fact is sometimes you just need to get over yourself and do what is right for your community.
@dawn16 Because it demonstrates an utter disregard for the health and well-being of others.

These preventative measures are not about protecting the individual. They are about protecting others.

And if individuals are too selfish and/or ignorant to realize that and comply (like in the case of ignoring gym closures and such), then things will continue to not get better.
@praynmama That’s the rub though isn’t it? Those AGREEING to go, are accepting the risk. So it’s a group of people who are effectively a cohort, which is allowed under MOST rules across they world.

You aren’t advocating for stopping driving, which is exponentially more dangerous...
@dawn16 You really think people selfish enough to ignore the closure would inform their friends and family about the risk they're introducing without any of their consent?

Somehow I doubt it.
@praynmama I’m not arguing that point at all. I am saying it’s up to them to make those choices. Just like driving. Just like riding a dirt-bike, or any and all kinds of choices people make everyday, that affect those they love.

I don’t go to a box, I work out at home. However the small box I did frequently visit, was and still remains a family community. Much like most claim to be. Why wouldn’t they be open and forthright with their extended family?

While I appreciate the devil’s advocate position, it flies in the face of the community of CrossFit.
@dawn16 People make choice to drive drunk. We have to intervene on behalf of others and what is eventually going to happen. They are going to kill someone else. You can live stupid in this world but don't make it our problem too.
@dawn16 These things aren't equivalent.

Everyone going to the speakeasy gym is agreeing together to do so, taking on risk

Everyone driving on the road is agreeing together to do so, taking on risk

But if I get infected at the gym, leave and interact with others, I am putting that risk on others who haven't agreed to it

When you park your car, that ends the risk. A random person isn't plopped in the driver's seat after you and told they have to drive whether they chose to or not.
@richie102 You’re right, not equivalent but the outcome is still the same. Choices made still can have consequences.

If you choose to go workout, are you hiding that fact from your family? Are you discussing it with them before?

Some might, some might not, but again choices would be made.
Some might not.

Exactly. And that's the issue.

The people who ignore business closures are the same people who would ignore something like telling people they interact with that they've been potentially exposed. It is a selfish decision that is rooted in selfish behavior.
it flies in the face of the community of CrossFit.

Your position of "it is an individual's choice to affect others regardless of their consent" is what flies in the face of the community of CrossFit.

Especially when there are MANY safe alternatives to ignoring gym closures mandates.

There is no excuse.
@stthomaschristian Gotta make the gains - good in them. It’s their choice to make themselves and the people they are in contact with more susceptible.

I made my own gym but others may not have the financial means to do so.
@stthomaschristian I think COVID showed me 2 things about the fitness community:
  1. There were far more people in my "circles" that participated in some level of fitness and were effected by gyms closing. Some of this may have just been blowing smoke, but people were coming out of the wood work; expressing the difficulties of not having a workout space.
  2. The mental effects of lack of exercise is powerful. Similar to the first, more people than I realized were negatively effected mentally. Almost to a point of disabling them.
In summary, I think its great the speakeasy gym was opened. People need an outlet and need a release. In contrast to that, COVID has taught me that sometimes, you have to do it on your own. It was almost a test of resilience and dedication to your fitness regimen. Some grew from it, some had an awakening.
@rip2006 There are alternatives to "speakeasy gyms" aka selfish clubs.

You don't even need equipment to work out at home. Gymnastics work, bodyweight fitness, cardio, etc.

No excuse for this bullshit.
@stthomaschristian Good. It is the citizens responsibility to not comply with stupid fucking policies. A boozer can go to a liquor store to further their addiction. A healthy person should be able to go to gym to help avoid the co-morbidities that make COVID dangerous.

Snitches get stitches
@rhodin As a doctor in a high prevalence area, fuck you. I’m not even going to try and reason with you because all the evidence is out there. Fuck you.