What do you say about my workout plan?


New member
This is my workout plan. Monday I do upper, tuesday upper 2, thursday leg day then friday upper + upper 2 together. I do all of my exercices in 4x10-4x12 range, 4 being sets and 10-12 reps which are all close to failure. I’m in the gym for about a month and half and I’ve seen some pretty decent results with this. I was thinking if I should do 3x sets or is 4x good? Any advice? (numbers beside are weight so don’t look at that)

bench 45
loaded chest press 40.8
cable fly for lower chest 7.5
chest fly 35
incline bench 12.5
overhead press 20
lateral raises 7.5
arnold db press 7.5
skullcrushers ez + 7.5
tricep rope pulldown 22.5
over head tricep pull 20
dead hang

upper 2
pull up with machine 30
lat pulldown 40
lat cable pulls 70
dumbbell row 15
T bar row 15
flyes for upper back 30
shrugs 20
preacher curl 22.5
incline dumbbell ez + 12.5
hammer curl 7.5
dumbbell for forearm 5
dead hang

legs + abs
squat 30kg
leg extension 40.8 + 2.3
leg press 86.2
leg curl 49.9 + 4.5
standong calf raises 65qkg
rotary calf 55kg
hanging leg raises
abdominal curl 35
torso rotation 31.7 + 4.5
@graceandpeace55 The only thing I would be wary of is joint pain/extreme fatigue. I only say this because on Friday you're combining two whole lifting days it looks like. Hitting body parts twice a week can absolutely be beneficial but my advice would be to make Friday a simpler upper body day. As far as sets go, you can be successful with either 3 or 4 sets but many trainers consider 3 to be the sweet spot. If you're training to failure, that extra set isn't helping you. But, if it's been working for you and you enjoy it, stick with it! Either one will "work". Remember, consistency over time with training and nutrition are the most important factors. Great work!