What do you think about my Upper Body routines?


New member
What do you think about my Upper Body routines? I have 3 days where I do Upper Body U-L-X-U-L-U-X, 1 day focused on chest, 1 day on back, and 1 day on shoulders and arms. Cable curls and triceps push-downs are done in a superset.

Upper A (Chest Focused)
- Flat Bench Press 2x6-8
- Incline Dumbbell Press 2x6-8
- Peck Deck 2x8-12
- Neutral Pulldown 2x6-8
- Seated Machine Row 2x6-8
- Cable Lateral Raises 4x8-12
- Cable Curls 3x8-12
- Tricep Push-downs 3x8-12

Upper B (Back Focused)
- Neutral Pulldowns 2x6-8
- Dumbbell Row 2x6-8
- Rope Facepulls 2x6-8
- Incline Dumbbell Press 2x6-8
- Peck Deck 2x8-12
- Cable Lateral Raises 4x8-12
- Cable Curls 3x8-12
- Triceps Push-downs 3x8-12

Upper C (Shoulders and Arms Focused)
- Overhead Dumbbell Press 2x6-8
- Cable Lateral Raises 2x8-12
- Incline Dumbbell Curl 3x6-8
- Hammer Dumbbell Curl 3x6-8
- Overhead Tricep Extensión (V-Bar) 3x6-8
- Rope Tricep Push-downs 3x8-12
- High-To-Low Cable Flyes 2x8-12
- Unilateral Lat Pulldown 2x6-8

Any recommendations for changing exercises or adjusting volume? The goal is 12 sets per muscle group per week, transitioning from a PPL routine 6 times a week to add an extra rest day and increase muscle group frequency. Also I reduce a lot of volumen, previously I was doing 16-18 sets per muscle group per week.

Thank you in advance!
@dawn16 All three In a single week feels excessive to me too but I think the extra variety is both fun and useful if OP extends the split to 8 or 9 days.

Or he could make workout C a full on isolation bro/weak point day just having some fun doing arms, forearms and shoulder isolation + whatever else on the weekend for an hour with almost no fatique cost.
@unity14 I run the same split as you. My upper day one is 2 back movements (pull and row), 2 chest movements (press and fly), 1 side delt, 1 tricep, 1 bicep and 1 ab movement. All are 3 sets with varying rep ranges.

Upper day 2 is 3 back movements (2 rows and a pullover. My goal is to add size to my back currently), 1 chest, 1 shoulder press, 1 tricep, 1 forearm/bicep (reverse curls which I feel more in my forearms but it's technically a curl). All are 3 sets with varying rep ranges.

Upper day 3 is chin ups, abs, 2 biceps, 1 side delt, 1 rear delt, 1 forearm, and 1 tricep. All are 3 sets with varying rep ranges.

My main suggestion for you would be to probably reduce a movement or two each day and vary the movements as well. So, maybe a neutral grip one day and chin up style another day. Or do one pressing variation like flat or incline one day and the other on upper day 2, so and so forth. I would probably remove flys and pulldowns from day 3.

I would also rethink the 12 sets per week mindset for now. Seeing that you're a beginner, you can get plenty of gains under 10 sets. In my current routine, the majority of my muscle groups are getting 9 sets. Sometimes less is more. And then you can increase the volume as the progress slows down.
@gr3mlin Any chance you could share the full program? I’m currently running a 4-day upper lower but my arms are a weak point. A 5th day to focus on arms could really help me
@kashiek Sure, I'll dm it to you but it's a program that I made up for my specific goals and the exercises are the ones that work well for me and my joints. However, the principal movement patterns are there so you can substitute the exercises for the ones you enjoy.