What is your favorite four-day split?


New member
Hey y’all I’ve been lifting for a few years and have done a variety of programs ranging from 5/6 day splits to 3 full-body days a week. I’m used to being able to go to the gym almost everyday. However, I now work in a different city from my partner during the week, so I can hit the gym from Monday through Friday, though Friday usually ends up being too chaotic with work.

Anyways, I’ve been doing PPL which has been going great, since I can commit ~2 hours to each session. But I wonder what I should add, if anything. I feel like I’m missing out on a potential fourth workout but still I prefer PPL over upper/lower splits (it feels like it works perfectly for hitting all of my upper body). My main hesitation with upper/lower is that I feel like my legs do best with three days of rest between sessions.

TLDR; any recommendations for four days on and three days off training? Anyone tried adding anything to PPL, like core?
@jlrodriguez PPL with separate arm day is somewhat popular for bodybuilders. You basically skip arm exercises on the push and pull days and do them separately. I guess that would be more of a 1. chest/delts 2. back 3. legs 4. arms split but yeah you get the point. I used it for a while and liked it a lot.
@becknps I'm doing the same thing..Chest Sholders Tries was just to much on Push days so I put Sholders with legs..I feel better only doing two bady parts a day..
@jlrodriguez I do upper, lower, push, pull. However I also do a decent amount of cycling 7-8 months of the year which makes up for only working legs once a week. If this is your only leg training I would definitely do a higher volume workout, which it seems like you are if you’re in the gym for 2 hours.
@dawn16 Thanks! I definitely agree that even if I do high volume legs already, they should be really prioritized if I only do them once a week. I tend to do a decent amount of hiking so that should help a bit as well

Edit: I especially love it when I have to option to deadlift because you can hit the whole posterior chain pretty easily. For compounds it’s perfect but my current gym doesn’t have equipment for deadlifts (it hurts my feelings so bad)
@dawn16 Sorry I know this is old, but any chance you could share the exercises or some examples? I’m in the same boat with cycling a lot and very interested.
@holythunder3 It's not gonna go out of meta bro, yes it's good.
Personally I think Chest/tris, Back/bis, Legs, Shoulders is a nicer split. Shoulders are a much larger muscle group than triceps and even chest, so I think they deserve their own day, and they're lots of fun to train. (I have no credentials, i just like working out)
@prachi Duuuuuuude I was mentally rearranging my split in my head during my lift today looking for this. Couldn't quite get one I liked, didn't even think about separating shoulders.

New meta baby lets griiiind