What products work for you? Any suggestions


New member
I am 35 I am in good shape probably body fat around dunno 10/12 ? Not sure. I have been no cleaning duty last 2/3 months I had a family tragedy so I let loose for 1 month or more

Right now I dont take any supplements maybe only some vitamins and I just started Total War pre workout? Budget is not a problem I just need some things that work without them being steroids ?

I am 90 kg so maybe I have to shred 2/3 kg max and kep my strength so I am not in a hurry

I traind 6 times per week atleast for 70-80 minutes in the morning. I do not drink/smoke .

Diet consists of beef,chicken, sweet potates and fish ofcours salads etc but mainly those


@impactb13 Here is the list of effective performance supplements.

Protein. But only if you aren't eating enough from your diet.

Creatine. But think of more of a "I squeaked out 11 reps when I usually wouldve gotten 10" intensity.

We have reached the end of the list unless you have a dietary deficiency.
@impactb13 Protein powder and maybe creatine. Sometimes creatine is included in the pre workout powders but not always. If it’s not go for it it makes a slight difference over time. Protein powder is fantastic just for the convenience. Also it typically provides high quality protein for a low price. That stuff is expensive at the grocery store lately.
@impactb13 That’s a humongous amount of food. Even Jay Cutler at his largest would have 280 per day. You may want to double check your math on that. I would still suggest it for the convenience can just slurp down 20 g of protein in little time after a few shakes of a shaker. I find mine are a nice treat too. Some of the flavours are really nice. But it’s never necessary just a convenient preference.
@impactb13 Creatine and you need to eat more if you went to grow

You can’t grow in a deficit

Unless you’re cutting for a bodybuilding comp I really don’t think going in lower is needed if anything it’s time to bulk
@impactb13 Honestly, almost none. Only pre-workout gives a slightly dingli sensation for few minutes after drinking it. Rest, creatine, protein powder, multivitamin(with magnesium and zinc for libido), D-vitamin have absolutely no noticable effect, though i do take those just in case and as those are proven to work.