Which is the better for cardio?


New member
I generally walk after lifting. Nearly 30 mins. I walk 8 incline and 6-7 km/h. There is another thing on my mind. Runnig 8-9 km/h with 0 incline. Is it good? Have you tried before?
@baldwinbeckett Better for what?

If you wanna get better at running... run. If you want easier to recover from... walk.

Also, with the incline, don't hold on to the handles (or rather... dont' grip them, you can put your hands there for a bit of support, but don't be supporting your weight and hanging back off of them)
@baldwinbeckett if you're fat enough maybe. but calf raises are also easy as hell to fit into a normal program, like resting between shoulder presses or bicep curls? find a leg press machine that you can set the weight in 5 seconds by sliding the pin selector down, boom, get a set of 6-10 heavy big stretch in. go back to your curls or shoulder presses or whatever.
@baldwinbeckett As others are pointing out, nothing is ‘better’ and that’s basically true.

If you are asking STRICTLY about calorie burning. I believe, and I might be wrong about this, so if anyone is actually an expert, please correct me, but: it’s really only the distance that matters, because the human body is REALLY good at homeostasis. So if you walk a mile, or run a mile, it will approximately be the same relative calories burned. This might seem outrageous, but if you think about it, if you run that mile you will only be running for a few minutes. If you walk it will, of course, take significantly longer. Increasing incline WILL increase calories burned, but it will be uniform across the board, whether you’re walking or running.

I never mess with the incline unless I am running a walking “program” on the treadmill (which I do, a lot) and it adjusts the incline for me without me fucking with it. All it does is raise your heart rate. Which is fine. It’s great for your metabolism and does burn more calories than no incline.

Anyway, I do both walking and running. On cardio days I run fast for 1/2 hour (no incline) and then cool down by walking for 1/2 hour. I work in progressive overload into the running portion by upping my speed by 0.1 mph every week. I am currently at a 7.6 mph run, although I recently had to dial that WAY back to 7.0 because I didn’t run while I was recently sick, so I’m working my way back up to 7.6 :(

On non-cardio days, I just walk for however long I want to post-lifting. I don’t even track it. Usually with one of those programs you can select on the treadmill that I spoke of earlier.
@baldwinbeckett I walk 30 minutes to an hour on an incline of 15 (max for a bit on the calf’s and thighs) at 2.5 to 2.8 MPH.
I burn, based off the metrics, 250 to 500 calorie. I may sweat a bit.
Running just tires me out faster, sweat more, but less time on the treadmill means less calories.
But running a mile or walking a mile will be the same in calories, or close to the same, difference is just time to burn calories, for me at least. Walking lets me put in cardio between working out muscle groups and sets. I don’t burn out of energy so fast, and walking is a great cool down for me too.
@baldwinbeckett I’ve been doing 15 minutes on the stairs (roughly 1000 steps) after my workouts and it’s been setting me on fire way more than running/walking ever did, not as hard on your knees either. I fucking hate leg day and the stairs do a good job of engaging the gluts, quads, hamstrings, and calves.

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