Which way should I workout?


New member
Should I do excercise A,B,C x3 or Should I do A x3,B x3,C x3?

I know the first way is a circuit and I have heard people say it's less efficient but I don't know.

I am trying to get into working out so I am level 0 right now.

Also I'm trying to grow more muscle so if you need that info there it is.
@moonmagik1 Start by going to FitWiki and read all of it, ALL OF IT. There are several easy digestible articles on training, diet and routines. The FAQ page will probably answer all your follow-up questions. Then pick a program from the recommended routines, preferably the beginner program . If you don't have access to a gym, follow the beginner bodyweight program . Go on YouTube, and you will find several videos on how to perform the different exercises. If you want do add some cardio (as you should), you will find proper cardio- and conditioning routines here.

I would start with the following articles:
- Getting started with fitness
GL dude!
@moonmagik1 To keep it simple, do the second one for muscle and strength gain. It’s not that the “circuit” version is useless but for now just keep the exercises separate, push them hard and take enough rest to push hard. I.e don’t just go again when you catch your breath or the burn fades, take another couple of minutes for your muscles and nervous system to be strong again.

Strongly recommend you check the wiki though
@moonmagik1 It’s depends on how you perform it and what you are going for.

A circuit can be very effective if you are using different muscles. In the second option you would rest between each set of an exercise. In first option your “rest” time is while you are completing the other exercises in the circuit, so it can be quite efficient.

I typically will do a circuit for body weight exercises, like an ab circuit. I will go exercise by exercise for anything with weights. I just find this most time efficient

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