WL for reps- need advice


New member

After multiple attempts over years, where I could not understand the concept of a WOD, scaling etc..this time I believe I have it.

So my 1st FRAN took over 45 mins (yes!)...this time round I got the concept of scaling and did it under 10 mins. Not good. Still at least I'm getting it.

Most of the sessions have been good. Till today.

I follow the WOD going back a few days.

I hit a C&J at 80kg.
Then at 70% & 80% I hit 55, 65kg x 10 and it took me 17 minutes.
Whereas as I read the comments most of them did it under 10 mins...some even in 3 mins!

I was doing singles mostly. Had to do a 30 second breather between reps. So again, was it something as simple as not scaling enough?
When you say reps of a C&J or even a Snatch, do you reset at the bottom or do a touch and go?
@youfixallimnot What modifications did you make to Fran in order to go sub-10? And was your 45-minute Fran Rx?

I think at least part of your issue for today’s workout could have just been time management and not fully understanding when you’re capable of safely completing another rep. Did you fail any reps of the timed portion of the workout?

I would also say that anyone doing 20 reps, with a weight change in under 3 minutes isn’t actually working at the proper percentages.

I could easily do fast singles at 70% and complete those reps in 3 minutes or less. A minute to change weights and then at most 4 minutes to do the next 10 would put this in the 8 minute range. I would say 6-10 would be the desired time domain for stimulus here.
@sic Yes!

45 mins
40 kg Thrusters. Was pausing post every rep. Then doing sets of 3-5 to go to 21 for example.
Kip Pull ups: 3-5 per set. Then in the end, singles.

Sub 10 mins: 21, 15, 9 loaded as follows:
Thrusters: BB, BB, 40kg
Pull: Inverse Rows, Inverse Rows, Kip Pull ups

Today's WL WOD
No fail. I started with 2 reps at a time post which I had to take a breather. Then could do only singles. It wasn't a lack of strength.
More of a lack of:
Lack of technique for reps: do I drop the weight? Do I lower? How do I reset..what about my Hook grip etc.
@youfixallimnot I think the thing to remember whether it’s for Fran or for this WL workout you did, the amount of time spent working is more or less the same for everyone, it’s the time spent resting that dramatically alters your final time.

I’m still not convinced you actually performed at your maximal capacity for either version. I would hook grip all reps, I would drop from the top, but more importantly I would be more disciplined in my rest. Assuming you can move safely and understand when you’re not moving safely, I would do a rep every 20 seconds whether you “feel” ready or not. In general, that should represent sufficient recovery for that loading and that total rep count. Take a full minute after the weight change.

Without seeing what this actually looked like, I think there’s a perception that you’re working harder than you actually are.

Same with a 10-min scaled Fran. Fran is only 90 repetitions total and a pull up is a maximum of 2 seconds. A thruster is 3 at the VERY most including set up and transition. That should still put you well under 6 minutes (which I believe should be the time cap for Fran to maintain intended stimulus).

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