Workout Dilemma! (+ Rate my workout)


New member
Hey again reddit! I'm the kid from
Anyways, I wanted to start this post by saying thank you to everyone who commented and taught me the right way for my age. It was much much much appreciated as I was VERY confused.

But now I need help again xD. I started the deficit and to be honest with you it isn't that hard for me In fact it seemed even more easier as I had to eat less and stuff (though finding recipes for food is still tough but I'll leave that topic for another sub-reddit xD).

I'll start this topic by listing my workout list:

"/" means that I do either this one day and the other the other day so like alternate between these 2.


1- 10 minutes dynamic stretches (includes 20 side lunges and 20 squats)

2- 5 push-ups (max I can do rn)

3- 15 crunches (max)

4- 5 negative pull ups (max)

5- 1 minute planks

(I introduced this warm up after 1 month of working out i only used to do 10 minutes of dynamic stretches)

Leg + Back + Cardio:

1- treadmill (20 minutes with 5 minutes warm up) (warm up means 3 minute walk 2 minute jog and I do 1 minute full sprint 1min 30sec jog and the rest walk and repeat this 3 times)

2- elliptical/cycling (level 10 15 minutes)

3- Air squats (3sets 15 reps)

4- Lunges (3sets 15reps)/wall sits (30 seconds 3times)

5- Deadlifts (recently introduced)

6- Lat pull down (3sets 15reps 20kg)

7- rows (3sets 15reps 20kg)

8- SH DB rows (3sets 15reps 3KG)

Chest + Arms:

1- Chest machine (20KG 3sets 15reps)

2- Barbell chest press (5kg 1set 15reps 2.5kg 2sets 15reps)

3- Plate chest squeeze (10KG 2set 15reps 5kg 1 set 15reps)

4- Plate overhead press (10KG 1set 15reps 5kg 2sets 15reps)

5- cable triceps push down (20KG 3sets 15rep)

6- cable Triceps extension (15KG 2sets 15rep 10KG 1set 15reps)

7- DB curls (3KG 2set 15reps 4kg 1set 15reps)

8- cable bicep curls (15KG 2sets 15rep 10KG 1sets 15rep)

Calisthenics + shoulders:

1- bent knee pushups (3 set 10reps)

2- incline pushups (3sets 10reps)

3- Russian twists/dead bugs (3sets 10rep)

4- Planks/mountain climber (1 minute 2 times)

5- Front plate raises (5kg 3set 15reps) (might increase weight... little easy)

6- DB lateral raises (3kg 3sets 15rep)

7- Face pulls (replaced yesterday)

8- jump rope (20-30 minutes)

(I also added this recently as well)

I am 17 years old, height is 5ft5 , weight is 72.5. I do chest + arms 2 days and Legs + back + cardio 2 days and shoulder 1 day with 2 days of rest. My goal is to increase stamina and endurance while making a good and healthy body. I could do chest + arms really well yesterday even in a deficit like it wasn't that much different nor hard (than usual ofc) at all thank goodness. But the problem occurred today:

I went ahead and did my warm ups and when I finish the crunches I am SWEATING like I mean ALOT. anyways I did everything and finished it and as I started my run around the 15 minute mark my body legit just sent a signal like 'stop.' so I stopped there and then because I'm no athlete and still a beginner ofc. but then I couldn't do ANY exercises after resting for 10 minutes even like i was so so so so so so out of it and depressed like wtf happened to me and stuff. I tried doing a barbell squat (something new I wanted to do) and I couldn't even go to 10 without ANY weights and same with the deadlift I thought I would tackle them later again but I thought it would be best to prepare myself and end my curiosity here. (I will continue and ask all my questions in the comments... might take a while tho xD)
I went ahead and did my warm ups and when I finish the crunches I am SWEATING like I mean ALOT. anyways I did everything and finished it and as I started my run around the 15 minute mark my body legit just sent a signal like 'stop.' so I stopped there and then because I'm no athlete and still a beginner ofc. but then I couldn't do ANY exercises after resting for 10 minutes even like i was so so so so so so out of it and depressed like wtf happened to me and stuff. I tried doing a barbell squat (something new I wanted to do) and I couldn't even go to 10 without ANY weights and same with the deadlift I thought I would tackle them later again but I thought it would be best to prepare myself and end my curiosity here.

You're really overthinking and overworking here. For the goals of general fitness (especially as a beginner), all you really need in a program are the six major movements:
  • Vertical pull (pull-ups/lat pull-downs)
  • Vertical push (overhead press)
  • Horizontal pull (rows)
  • Horizontal push (bench press/push-ups)
  • Anterior chain (squats)
  • Posterior chain (deadlifts)
Exhausting yourself with isolation exercises that won't yield any unique growth is just going to tire yourself out. Don't make the mistake of assuming that harder work will bring better results. That can lead to burnout and disillusionment. The process of improving general fitness and body composition is remarkably simple and typically not nearly as difficult as it may seem.

It's true that some programming is better than others from a strictly mathematical point of view, so if you are not looking for a personal interest investment then evidence suggests (source) that the programming to promote the largest strength gains is:
  • Long-term training (>23 weeks)
  • Frequency of 1-3x per exercise per week
  • High intensities (80-89% of 1RM)
  • High volumes (5 sets per exercise beat out 1-4 sets per exercise)
  • Moderate number of reps per set (6-8)
  • Long rest duration (3-4 minutes between sets)
Training to failure is not effective (source).

There's no need to do weeks of research and reinvent the wheel.

To gain muscle:

1) Follow a full body strength training program encompassing progressive overload on compound exercises

2) Aim for ~1g of protein per 1lb of bodyweight per day (source)

3) Try to get 9 hours of sleep per day (source)
Concurrent strength training and cardio training is optimal for fat loss (source). However, exercise is not the optimal way to lose fat. Further reading:

To lose fat, eat at a caloric deficit. Google "TDEE calculator" to estimate your daily caloric usage, then aim for 200-500 calories subtracted from this. Download a calorie tracker app and track your meals.

Focus on whole foods such as meat (red, white, fish), eggs, dairy, fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, legumes, grains, etc. Prioritize high protein and high fiber. Avoid sugar and processed foods. For a more specific nutritional goal, try Dr. Greger's Daily Dozen Checklist.

A high protein diet aids in fat loss (source 1, source 2), and increased protein intake can beneficially affect recovery times (source) and reduce soreness (source).

1-Do I NEED to do barbell squats?

"To need" is a conditional statement. You don't need barbell squats to fulfill the condition of weight resistance strength training leg exercises, but they are certainly the best way to go about it. Safety is a matter of adhering to good form and not exceeding your capacities.

2-I decided to reduce my warm-ups

All you really need is dynamic stretching. Having a warm-up set for each individual exercise is going to be more efficacious than rushing some sweaty busywork at the beginning.

3- I am quite short

This doesn't really matter as relative strength is an individual process. Just pay attention to your form and adjust if the equipment does not accommodate you.

4-Can i do deadlifts without any weights and only the bar?

To learn the basics of form and develop your sense of proprioception, sure. However, you need weight that will stimulate your muscles in order to make any growth. If the bar is the heaviest weight you can manage, then start with that. Deadlifts are the most powerful movement the human body can perform, so you want at least enough weight that your muscles will be under tension.

5-I do plate overhead press... Does it matter if i do it with a DB or a BB?

Matter for general goals? No, weight is weight.

Barbells are generally safer to go heavier with, because it's easier to rack the bar.

However, dumbbells can typically recruit more of the muscle groups due to the increased range of motion because there is no central bar you'd have to otherwise ensure does not hit your head. Also you can use a perpendicular grip which can be easier on the wrists and forearms.

6-My goal is to have more endurance and to have more stamina. So i planned to do this exact list for like 3-6 months.

Don't hop between programs. You need progressive overload to grow. If you aren't gradually increasing the weight, reps, sets, etc then you won't be getting stronger.

The beginner stage is less prone to difficulty, so within the first month or two don't worry about progressive overload and just focus on learning the fundamentals.

7-My friend told me to not to do abs at all rn

So long as you are using good form on the heavy compound lifts, the abdominals (and other muscles involved in the core) will be recruited. There is not a lot of utility in focusing on abs now, as they are going to grow no matter what you do.

8-When can I add variations to exercises or start to replace them i.e cable bicep curl with bar curls?

Generally, when you're plateauing on compound exercises (having had controlled for protein and nutrition, sleep, programming, etc).

9-Should i replace tricep extension with pushups and pullups with SH DB rows or deadlifts?

If you can't do a certain exercise, do an easier form of it until you can.

So if you can't do pull-ups, do negatives: stand on something to bring your chin above the bar, then slowly lower yourself down.

10-Will i increase in strength as well doing these? These are for endurance and stamina but will i be able to do pull ups push ups or any excercises successfully and easily with these? Because my pushups are still not increasing in number after 1 month of gym or any calisthenics.

If you are consistent with eating enough protein, getting sufficient sleep, and following a proper program then you will get stronger. One month is not nearly enough time to start seeing results.
@jeffwilly001 Yes even I understand that I am HEAVILY overthinking haha. Easiest thing and simpliest to go about is do a deficit and workout but idk why i just felt paranoid thinking of long term. I have decided that this current routine will be my workout plan without changing anything. For warmups i decided to do the stretches. Ill do incline pushups and negatives (since i couldn't fit it somewhere). Since I can build muscle and also have better endurance with all this. That being said:
  1. I'll do air squats as the bar one seems too much for me rn. When i can do around 100 squats in 3 sets then and only then i will try bar one.
0.Thank you so so so so much for telling me this its as if a shadow got unveiled from my head
  1. I will use the smaller bar since as you said the excercise should be to my convenience the only thing is that my form is correct
  2. Ill do deadlifts without the weights for like a 2 3 days so i can get the form bang on. Ill add weights after that.
  3. I will be sure to stick to this current program i made to myself STRICTLY. I will not overthink now that someone told me that the excercises are fine as is. I have to keep remembering i am a beginner still and i do not need to push myself so that that i become depressed or what not. That isn't fitness that is torture. Thank you for opening my eyes to that.
  4. Then i shall remove the planks i had planned for ... my ... after workout....... finisher......... THAT IS BEING REMOVED XD.
9- yes i won't replace em I just kept it as a warmup as i think i can actually do. So that eventually i can do it.

Again, thank you so so so much. If i said anything wrong here pls point it out idm at all. Only way i will grow is by being corrected haha.
Yes even I understand that I am HEAVILY overthinking haha

Don't let analysis paralysis keep you from starting and being consistent with one program.

I'll do air squats as the bar one seems too much for me rn. When i can do around 100 squats in 3 sets then and only then i will try bar one.

Such an inordinately high rep range is not going to produce any strength gains. Instead, try unilateral body squats with a conventional rep-set modality like 3x8.

Ill do deadlifts without the weights for like a 2 3 days so i can get the form bang on. Ill add weights after that.

Just be careful not to get used to the movement without any weight. It's a completely different experience when you have tension in the motion.

I will be sure to stick to this current program i made to myself STRICTLY.

That's not really the constructive criticism here. Creating your own program is going to be the opposite of helpful, because you don't know what you need and you don't know how to achieve that. Just stick with proven beginner programs and re-evaluate after 6-12 months.
That's not really the constructive criticism here. Creating your own program is going to be the opposite of helpfu

Could you please suggest a pre made endurance workout program that you would suggest? I will gladly only follow that one then. I'm sure from your pov my program must be bad (and ofc it is i am a beginner don't have a degree in this stuff). I might use the program i made for myself after 6 months or when i have transformed but that is another topic for another time.... (when i learn about all these excercises in detail not just the fact it hits all my muscles xD but still will have to ask opinions on it later.....) I must've gotten excited after noticing small changes in myself and so continued to work it this... but now i realize i might get plateau easily later on. Please suggest a workout program that focuses on compound workouts and also endurance etc.... once i fully master these and continue with them only then will i be mature enough to make my own plan haha.
@jeffwilly001 I should do the weight resistance strength training for 3 days cardio for 2 days and the isometric stretching program 1 day a week, right? (from what I get by reading it) I'll be sure to note them down and do them immediately. How long should I stick to these? Until they are easy to do or around 4 months later?
@gigi_ram Strength training:
  • 3 days of full body frequency (day 1: train, day 2: active recovery, repeat)
  • 6 days of split frequency (day 1: pull exercises, day 2: push exercises, day 3: leg exercises, repeat, day 7: active recovery)
Cardio training:
  • 3 days a week is fine and can be neatly alternated with full body frequency
  • If you do split frequency, workouts will be shorter so you can have time to do regular cardio that way
Flexibility training:
  • Every day
@jeffwilly001 Sorry i do not understand the frequency thing xD like could you explain according to the program? like in 1 week i can do the entire routine in 1 day then rest and then again. and the next week i can split it into 6 days like 1st pair 2nd pair etc???
@jeffwilly001 I came up with a workout plan with the workout programs. Please check if it is all right and according to it:

Strength (3 days):

scapular pulls (3 sets 6 seconds)

Air squats (3 sets 8reps)

Parallel bar support hold (3 sets 6 seconds)

deadlifts (3sets 8reps __kg)

seated rows (20kg 3sets 8reps)

incline pushups (3sets 8reps)

planks (3sets 30 seconds)

side planks (3sets 30 seconds)

arch raises (3set 30 seconds)

cardio (2 days):

treadmill for 20 min (just following plan)

rest for 10-15 minutes

Any other cardio exercise for 15 minutes (be it jump rope, stair climb, elliptical)

and extensions at the end of every workout.

Is this all right? I made it following the program so ye. could I do 2 days strength 2 days cardio and a day of weightlifting beginner program exercises? so that i have 5 days of working out with a program and 2 day of rest (one complete and one active)? edit: nvm i can't the program ask for 3 days xD
@jeffwilly001 I saw the FAQ and for the training program but none of them really appeal to me as well. If you could suggest one that I can work on starting today I will make sure to be consistent with it. I want one that increases my stamina and endurance, while increases my strength and muscles so that I have a healthy and fitter body eventually.
Now my questions are:

1-Do I NEED to do barbell squats??? like should air squats suffice? my friend told me to do barbell ones but i said i didn't want to since im still new and could injure myself.

2-I decided to reduce my warm-ups to only have stretches + incline pushups (10) + negative pull ups (7 sec 5times) + plank (1 minute) ... I feel as tho this will warm up my whole body for ALL my workouts instead of me wasting my energy before and also develop my muscles to do pushup and pullups eventually since I intend to do these everyday (again a warm up now I truly understand is just to increase heartrate and to prepare my muscle for the coming exercises.... I feel as though before it was an ENTIRE workout on itself xD). Is this all right?

3- I am quite short (hopefully will grow by the time my birthday hits fingers crossed haha) but because of this i use a smaller barbell (like a EZ curl barbell sized one but its straight) to bench weights like i tried to it with the usual and longer one people use but I literally COULD NOT. Is this all right???? and is the weights I use appropriate for it or do i need to add more?

4-Can i do deadlifts without any weights and only the bar?????

5-I do plate overhead press... Does it matter if i do it with a DB or a BB?

6-My goal is to have more endurance and to have more stamina. So i planned to do this exact list for like 3-6 months. Should i do that? or should I change something and Like Increase reps or weight by the 1 months etc.... what should i do with that?

7-My friend told me to not to do abs at all rn... but i felt that even though i am like alot chubby in my stomach already but i still do it so that i have a strong core and also when i do lose weights maybe abs will show. Am i right?

8-When can I add variations to exercises or start to replace them i.e cable bicep curl with bar curls? or is this all right as is? if so then what should i do to make training more effective.

9-Should i replace tricep extension with pushups and pullups with SH DB rows or deadlifts??? (When i can eventually do those as well hopefully)

10-Will i increase in strength as well doing these? These are for endurance and stamina but will i be able to do pull ups push ups or any excercises successfully and easily with these? Because my pushups are still not increasing in number after 1 month of gym or any calisthenics.... i will try again when my weight decreases hopefully and then ill inform you guys.

If i have more questions ill be sure to comment on this thread xD
Oh and this was all made by me by doing weeks of weeks of research and trial and error with more weights less weights etc.... i do not have a trainer so idm alternating anything if needed to be changed immediately. And i wanted to create my own workout list from my own hands (mostly since other fitness program are too hard for me or not for me)