Workout Plan I’ve seen intermediate clients get the most results with


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Hey all, I work part time as a PT at my local gym to bring a little extra money and have been testing this training system for about 15 months now.

All my clients are really happy with it and are enjoying their progress so I thought I’d share it

(Note this is just a template of sorts you’ll have to adjust exercises accordingly)

The program is an 8 day split with 4 Main work out days and 3 mini workout days as well as one full rest day. Here’s how it would look

Monday: UPPER 1
Tuesday: Mini workout
Wednesday: LOWER 1
Thursday: rest
Friday: UPPER 2
Saturday: Mini workout
Sunday: Lower 2
Monday: Mini workout


Horizontal press (1 x 4-8), (1 x 10-14)
Horizontal pull (1 x 6-10), (1 x 10-14)
Incline press (1 x 6-10), (1 x 10-14)
Vertical pull (1 x 6-10), (1 x 10-14)
Mid-range curl (3 x 8-12)
Triceps extension (3 x 8-12)

Lower 1

Hamstring isolation (3 x 10-16)
Squat (1 x 4-8), (1 x 8-12)
Lunge (1 x 6-10), (1 x 10-14)
Hinge (1 x 6-10), (1 x 16-20)
Leg press (2 x 14-18)
Calfs (Optional 🥸) (4 x 16-20)

Upper 2

Vertical press (1 x 6-12), (1x 12-18)
Vertical pull (1 x 4-8), (1 x 6-10)
Horizontal press (1 x 6-10), (1 x 10-14)
Horizontal pull (1 x 8-12), (1 x 12-16)
Stretch emphasis curl (3 x 8-12)
Triceps long head push down (3 x 8-12)

Lower 2

Hinge (1 x 4-8), (1 x 6-10)
Leg press (2 x 14-18)
Hamstring Isolation (3 x 10-16)
Squat (1 x 6-10), (1 x 10-14)
Lunge (1 x 6-10), (1 x 10-14)
Calf’s (Optional 😎) (4 x 16-20)

Mini workout: You can do this at home if you have a Mini band

Banded face-pull (5 x 20-30)
Ab variation (5 x 20-30)

How to use:

The way it works is you pick 4 different exercises for each of these movement patterns:

Horizontal press
Horizontal pull
Vertical press
Vertical pull
Incline press

Once you do that just cycle through them changing them every week. Meaning you’ll repeat the same exercises twice in one week and then won’t do the them again until next month.

As for isolations, switch those out every month.

By doing things like this you’ll be able to push intensity high without risk of overuse injuries and without need for ramping intensity or planned deloads.

After you’re done with your month you should be able to hit a pr on every exercise in the next month as long as you’ve been eating in maintenance or surplus.

Basically guaranteed progression and safety.

Let me know what your experiences if you give it a shot and send me a DM if you have any questions. 👍
@brotherarleigh Definitely not a fan of 1 set lifts unless that's solely what I'm focusing on.

My best results have been on routines that have absurd amounts of volume.

9 sets of bench or squats, these are the plans that really push me to bigger and better numbers.
@limetree5 While there’s nothing here with 1 set, the volume sticks to the lower range this plan.

The reason for this is simple, my clients pay for an hour session and with changing we only have about 50min to get through the workout.

The volume is sufficient for growth as long as the intensity is high. If you prefer going easier on your sets a higher volume approach will certainly lead to better results.