Workout routine Critiques?


New member
Hi all, was wondering if some of you kind folks could give me some opinion on my current routine. I’m male, 24 and 89kg.

I’m keeping it brief due to time constraints and avoid barbell squats due to birth defect

Mon + Wed:

Warmup- Boxing (5x2min sets, 30 second H.I.I.T interval, 30 second test

Superset 1
Bench (100-1st set, 90-2nd set, 80-3rd set) + Followed by 27kg Dumbbell Bench till failure…roughly

Superset 2
Skullcrushers + Flies x 5 (27kg)

Superset 3
Cossack squat + Squat/ overhead Press x 5 (20kg)

Tue + Thu

Warmup- Boxing (same as previously listed)

Superset 1
Curl (27-1st set , 25-2nd set, 22- 3rd set + 20kg hammer curls

Superset 2
Chin ups x 6 + isometric curl (against 100kg barbell for 30 seconds)

Final set
Ballistic curls with 10kg weighted mace until total failure

Could really use a fresh set of eyes/ opinion :)
@ashs Whats ur main goal with this workout and how long have you been doing it,? im assuming muscle build due to the supersets ? And no shoulder exercises besides the boxing ? , is that because your doing the boxing circuits ?

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