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day 1: Upper Body Focused Calisthenics Work Warm Up: 5 Minutes of jump rope Initial Work: Regular Push Ups 4×25 Dips (Can Scale using Chair) 4×6 Pull Ups (Can Scale to Pikes) 4×10 chin up 4×5 pike push up 4×10 Fatigue Blowout: Complete 3 Rounds Super-Set Style ● Push Ups to Failure ● Dips to Failure ● Pike Push Ups to Failure Core Work: Forearm Plank 3×60 Seconds V-Ups 3×30 Leg Raises (Lying or Hanging) 3×25 L-Sit Hold 3×15 Seconds day 2: Lower Body Focused Calisthenics Work Warm Up: jump rope minutes Initial Work: Air Squats 4×25 Glute Bridges 4×20 Bulgarian Split Squats 4×20 each leg Alternating Pistol Squats (Scale Using Chair) 4×20 total Fatigue Blowout: Complete 3 Rounds Super-Set Style ● Pause Squats to Failure ● Wall Sit to Failure ● Lying Leg Raises to Failure Core Work: Forearm Plank 3×60 Seconds Sit Ups 3×30 Russian Twists 3×25 Hollow Hold 3×15 Seconds day 3: rest day 4: fullbody Warm Up: jump rope 5 minutes Initial Work: Explosive Push Ups 5×10 Jump Squats 5×20 Dips 5×8 Chin Ups 5×4 pull up 5*4 handstand hold 5*30 sec day 5: rest day 6 and 7 cardio

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