Wrist strap for nerve damage?


New member
I (20F, 5'1, 95lbs) have nerve damage in my left hand/ulner nerve since age 3. I have zero sensation and reduced grip strength in my pinky, ring finger, half of my middle finger, half of my hand and half of my forearm all the way to my elbow. I've been working out 4-5 days a week for almost 3 months and consistently increasing my weight load. I struggle with holding dumbbells 15lbs+ in my left hand, my fingers just fold under the weight and I get very frustrated with this. Is it a good idea to buy a wrist strap for this hand so I can have balanced grip or should I focus on building grip strength in it somehow? I think my grip strength has increased a little since I started training but I've had this damage basically my whole life with no change. Is a wrist strap a good investment? Or damaging/waste of money?

TL;DR: Should I use a wrist strap for my weak, nerve damaged hand or just tough it out/attempt to improve my grip strength? (unlikely in my condition)

Posted to r/GYM r/beginnerfitness r/Fitness
@opsthryl A.) I had a cancerous brain tumor as a child that physically damaged my nerves. I have been seeing doctors 4 times a year until I was 18 to monitor my situation. It’s been determined my damage was irreversible since I was 5. B.) Do you want to pay for orthopedic therapy for me?
@cfitz Never even heard of wrist hooks 🤔 I mostly struggle with curling and shrugs, I resorted to using barbells but still prefer dumbbells. Will look into it ty!