Wrong vo2 max?


New member
I am a male 33 years old, useing a polar vantage m2, i have a resting pulse 55-60 and 185-195 max pulse.

My wheight is 107 kilo and height 175cm

I workout 3 times per week 2 houers, my warmup is starting to jogging on tredmill for 25 min on 9.5 km/h no stop, then i type in height for the tredmill 8% and speed 5.5 km/h and walk for 35 min, then i start workout arms and so on, acording to my watch i burn around 1600kcla 2 hourers.

But when i try to test my vo2max i get a result like 31, is this correct? Or should my resting pulse÷ on my max pulse × with 15?

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