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  1. L

    Early morning gym goers, with family, how do you balance going to bed early with time for your partner?

    Also, are you waiting until your kid is in bed to clean the kitchen? Do it as a family. I spent time as a SAHM and fell into the trap of never cleaning until my kid was in bed or occupied. Now that I'm working again I'd rather have those few hours to myself, and I realized it's actually...
  2. L

    Early morning gym goers, with family, how do you balance going to bed early with time for your partner?

    @dougnarg Could your husband help get your daughter ready in the morning, allowing you to go to the gym a little later and sleep later? You'd be able to stay up later at night. My 7 year old is in bed by 8 (lights out at 8:30) and I go to bed at 10, up by 6 (I need 8 hours most nights)...