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  1. W

    Almost 40 -- Struggling with gains & recovery. Advice needed, please

    @eyes2jesus Ah, I got ya! Sorry. A bit slow :)
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    Almost 40 -- Struggling with gains & recovery. Advice needed, please

    @eyes2jesus Thank you. I know :-) Not sure what you mean by that.
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    Almost 40 -- Struggling with gains & recovery. Advice needed, please

    @eyes2jesus I'm going to have to give an approximate educated guess since I haven't done a 1RM in awhile. (This will be based on what my lifts have been this week.) Bench = 200lbs Squat = 200lbs DL = 250lbs
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    Almost 40 -- Struggling with gains & recovery. Advice needed, please

    @najiramlee Ah, good call. That's usually my shortest day anyway. DL would be a good addition.
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    Almost 40 -- Struggling with gains & recovery. Advice needed, please

    @najiramlee I've thought about that, but I have no idea where else I would put it. It wouldn't make sense to put it on another day, would it? (Unless maybe a 4-day split???)
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    Almost 40 -- Struggling with gains & recovery. Advice needed, please

    @najiramlee I've come to the realization (this morning, actually), that I feel much stronger in the morning -- even though I HATE mornings. So, if I don't sleep well the night before, I won't be getting up early to hit the gym. Most of the time I'll go over lunch and superset my whole program...
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    Almost 40 -- Struggling with gains & recovery. Advice needed, please

    @vikingqueen Very interesting. Thank you! I'll check it out!
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    Almost 40 -- Struggling with gains & recovery. Advice needed, please

    @vikingqueen Interesting. I've always had protein shakes with creatine in it, but I've never went out and bought just creatine powder. Recommend?
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    Almost 40 -- Struggling with gains & recovery. Advice needed, please

    @friendsinchrist I do sometimes, but maybe the issue is I stayed COMPLETELY out of the gym :-) Lighter weight and just going through the motions isn't a bad idea. Is it? I honestly don't know. I just want to sweat my arse off and get my heart rate up. I wouldn't mind trying HIIT. I'm...
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    Almost 40 -- Struggling with gains & recovery. Advice needed, please

    @a3yan I'll check it out! Thanks!
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    Almost 40 -- Struggling with gains & recovery. Advice needed, please

    @a3yan What do you suggest? I'm definitely open for suggestions on a new program!
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    Almost 40 -- Struggling with gains & recovery. Advice needed, please

    @loneburro Honestly, I've grown to love leg day. I kill myself (in a good way) on squats and dead lift. My dead lift is going up considerably, but my squat has ALWAYS been a struggle. I'm really ashamed to say - lol. I've always been weak in bench, but some say it has to do with my long...
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    Almost 40 -- Struggling with gains & recovery. Advice needed, please

    @victoria52 Yes, you're right about the "spare tire". That would make a huge difference in my confidence. And as I mentioned previously in a different reply, I had no clue that alcohol effects your test levels. I need to do some reading on that!
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    Almost 40 -- Struggling with gains & recovery. Advice needed, please

    @rev411 Thanks for the quick grammar tip! Seriously, I don't mind being corrected. :)
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    Almost 40 -- Struggling with gains & recovery. Advice needed, please

    @rev411 This is good info. Thank you. You're exactly right -- I can't eat / drink what I used to. I'm noticing now more than ever that alcohol effects my sleep and I wake up feeling HORRIBLE, not hungover, but like I didn't sleep at all. Sucks getting older, however, I can say that I feel...
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    Almost 40 -- Struggling with gains & recovery. Advice needed, please

    @rev411 Good point on the selfie. (Although I HATE looking at myself in the mirror. I'm long-legged/short-waisted, and the "spare tire" makes me sick) Can that come in any form? Shakes or "real food"? Also, I thought I read somewhere that your body can't utilize that much protein and a good...
  17. W

    Almost 40 -- Struggling with gains & recovery. Advice needed, please

    @tinilildiva Yeah, I hear ya. But it's pretty discouraging to keep going in and working your arse off if you're not seeing your numbers go up.