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    No joke post

    @victoryj This will work. I should be defending my PhD soon and Neupert programs + the remix version of DFW produce good results while leaving ample time for grad school.
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    Progressing from double 16s to 24s for C+P

    @jar1437 This is probably the ideal scenario, though the money is the big issue. Thanks!
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    Progressing from double 16s to 24s for C+P

    @pravda This wouldn’t have even occurred to me, so thanks for the suggestion!
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    Progressing from double 16s to 24s for C+P

    @meeksoul Thanks! Yeah, looks like I’ll be getting at least one 20 in the near future.
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    Progressing from double 16s to 24s for C+P

    @lura60 Thanks, this is an interesting idea too! I actually haven’t spent much time on the Turkish get-up, but your discussion of its value alongside the push press definitely makes sense!
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    Progressing from double 16s to 24s for C+P

    @vhenebere Thanks, I’ll give the eccentrics a shot!
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    Progressing from double 16s to 24s for C+P

    @brender Thanks!
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    Progressing from double 16s to 24s for C+P

    @user283401 Thanks for the suggestion! Yeah, maybe I could buy one 20 instead of two to bridge the gap this way.
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    Progressing from double 16s to 24s for C+P

    @dawn16 Thanks for the suggestions!
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    Progressing from double 16s to 24s for C+P

    @dawn16 Thanks for your input! Yeah, it looks like I’ll have to consider saving up for a pair of the 20s!
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    Progressing from double 16s to 24s for C+P

    @mir2017lma Thanks for replying! Working with the push press does indeed seem like a good option. Hadn’t thought about the dips as another option!
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    Progressing from double 16s to 24s for C+P

    @hunter101 Thanks a lot for the detailed response here — that’s a lot of options for me to consider! The push press as a bridge makes a lot of sense.
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    Progressing from double 16s to 24s for C+P

    @haydnp Thanks for your reply! Yeah, maybe it will make the most sense for me to do something with push presses and then save a little extra for some 20s.
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    Progressing from double 16s to 24s for C+P

    I started running DFW with two 16kg bells back in April. Did the 5 weeks, tested out with a 12 RM (neglected to check RM properly before the program), then went on a three-week trip where I did not exercise beyond walking a lot. Shortly after returning, I ran DFW for another 5 weeks with the...