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  1. N

    Serious injury forces immediate retirement from BWF – farewell everyone after 2+ good years!

    @ironicall I recommend you look it up and show me something to the contrary because everything i've ever seen suggests otherwise. Here are three different epidemiology papers, one being a meta-analysis and they all share similar results. While Males do tend to experience a higher frequency of...
  2. N

    Serious injury forces immediate retirement from BWF – farewell everyone after 2+ good years!

    @jermyn And that's a valid viewpoint. Like I said I didn't have an issue with what you were saying, it was the other guy stating to all these people like it was some sort of fact and then refusing to provide factual information to support it. I feel like the data i provided indicated it wasn't...
  3. N

    Serious injury forces immediate retirement from BWF – farewell everyone after 2+ good years!

    @jermyn No the links i stated was that the proportion was higher than females, still lower body was higher than upper body overall for males. And in rings of course upper extremity is going to have a high incidence of injury but there was literally NOTHING that stated that the cross was...
  4. N

    Serious injury forces immediate retirement from BWF – farewell everyone after 2+ good years!

    @jermyn Yes rising is bad form in the cross, what I am saying is internally rotated shoulders help prevent that from happening. Try rolling your shoulders forward right now and see how much it limits your depression/elevation compared to unrolled - its much more locked in. And its all about...
  5. N

    Serious injury forces immediate retirement from BWF – farewell everyone after 2+ good years!

    @jermyn Plenty of people don't internally rotate during the cross. And even if everyone did, internal rotation like that actual helps prevent the humeral head from rising up and either causing impingement or putting excessive force on your teres major and infraspinatus as they compensate. Just...
  6. N

    Serious injury forces immediate retirement from BWF – farewell everyone after 2+ good years!

    @ironicall I just can't get over how misguided this statement is. An egotistical power move? Anyone benching heavy, or squating heavy, or deadlifting heavy, or doing OAPs, or planches, or running fast or literally anything else done at a high level must be doing an egotistical power move! Yup...