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  1. J

    Kid refused to spot me today, so I returned the favor

    @aeri20 Fuck that kid but man 5-6 sets on the bench press you gotta offer to let him jump in
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    Low volume workouts and the effectivity of ‘RIR-based’ training

    @dolphinsdream I've been a trainer for a while and one thing I always say is "Your training doesn't exist in a vacuum" High intensity doesn't equal high risk of injury. But high intensity usually, in the real world, results in worse form. And if worse form causes injuries then you are more...
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    @breezer Do you have sugars pre workout? That for me is honestly a lot more important then a shit ton of stims. I take a pre workout most days but if it was out of that and the glucose/dextrin I have pre workout I’d go with the carbs The thing about pre is it might make you feel like you’re...
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    Interested to know what splits you guys are running with atm

    @bogdanpnw PPLPP(L) Pull Days are identical but with an emphasis on biceps - I do Pulldowns then go into a Bayesian curls then go back to working Back then finish with two Bicep exercises Push A is Chest (6 sets) Shoulders (3/4) and Triceps (5). Push B is Shoulders (6/7 sets), Triceps(8...
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    Honestly feel like the protein numbers that are given regularly are complete bullshit

    @ilovebilliejoearmstrong I tell my clients this all the time. "Everything works, but good training works quicker" There's a guy at my gym with terrible form on damn near every exercise that has completely blown up in the last two years simply because although good form is important it's not...
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    As an experienced lifter are we shortchanging progress at all by doing a little cut to a 'beach leanness' each year?

    @jamierite74 My goals physique is probably not too far off from my genetic limit. I may never reach it but 29 and I wanna try. I'm not that fussed about being lean until I get to that size. So I cut maybe once every year and a half when the body fat gets too high
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    What’s your experience eating far below calories for a small period of time?

    @austinsugden I’ve been in a 1000 calorie deficit for 3/4 weeks and it’s tough but you get into a rhythm and it’s fine.
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    Anyone done PPL once a week with success?

    @darksoul999 I've had one client make really good progress with it. I generally dont use it as a programme but in retrospect it worked crazy well for that guy I think it's just a very recoverable amount of volume whereas twice a week its very easy to overdo it.
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    Demonizing an entire macro nutrient is probably the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Don’t fall for the fads trying to demonize carbs

    @lepomis Doesn't mean it "demonises" them. They're not made out to be evil or a problem, just not compatible with the diet. Google the word demonise. Carbs under the keto diet are not demonised
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    What made your arm grow the most?

    @setst777 The last five weeks my arms have really blown up and I think it's due to putting my Bicep work earlier in the pull workout. Instead of four back exercises and then two Bicep exercises I do a back exercise, a Bicep exercise, two more back exercises, then two Bicep exercises.