Demonizing an entire macro nutrient is probably the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Don’t fall for the fads trying to demonize carbs

@lepomis You can enjoy keto without being a zealot though. Different people respond to different dietary strategies. If the easiest way for you to limit or reverse weight gain is limiting carbs and/or fasting, more power to you.

Its like bickering between different programs that get you to the same results. I can understand being turned off by the people trying to make money on people’s fears, or people saying sugar is more addictive than heroin, etc, but its not exactly the same level of “fad” diet as eating 37 bananas a day or some bs.
@dawn16 What happens with a lot of this type of thing, is its the first thing that worked for someone, or even the first thing they ever tried. I have a friend from highschool who was never into sports until his 30’s. He got into boxing and was utilizing a paleo diet. He lost a little weight and is pretty good at boxing.

He tried to tell another friend of mine that boxing and paleo were the best method for weight loss and doing anything else was pretty stupid. The second friend had started lifting and just limiting his portions and had already lost over 100 lbs, as well as me having done so since high school. Its just weird tribalism.
@lepomis Preach. I did Keto for 3 months and I had problems getting enough fiber. Proponents of keto would say “your not eating enough vegetables” but if you crunch some numbers, it’s almost (if not) impossible.

Say for example, you ate 1kg of broccoli per day, this would give you 26 grams of fiber which is below the recommended intake for a man. At the same time, that 1kg of broccoli would be giving you 70 grams of carbohydrates, which is above the recommended max of 50g per day to stay in ketosis.

The only noticeable change I got while doing keto was bad breath and hemorrhoids
@kimhills Keto nowadays distinguish between gross carbs and net carbs. Net carbs are total amount of carbs - fiber & sugar alcohols.

They propose a max of 50g of net carbs so you can still get your fibers in.
@lepomis The amount of people who have 0 knowledge of basic nutritional science blows my mind. If only sugar and omega6 and lectins were as demonized.

Also, even though keto is falling out of fashion, a new diet called the carnivore diet is gaining popularity.

I love all the people who are like “oh it cured my autoimmune disease” like mother fucker that’s called a lectin elimination diet it has nothing to do with carbs and everything to do with the molecules that are provoking that response 🙄
@godseb Dude don’t get me started on the carnivore quacks, my twitter feed is flooded with their bullshit but I don’t block it because it’s actually entertaining to see the dumb shit people come up with lol

Also it’s fun to see actual scientists clap back at them with statements that dismantle their entire stance
@lepomis I view each macronutrient as a tool to be used for specific goals. Are you sedentary and refuse to do any exercise? You probably want high protein/moderate fat/lower carb/high fiber. Do you do endurance based sports? Higher carb. Do you just lift? Higher protein, just enough fats to keep hormones healthy, and enough carbs for performance.
@lepomis 😭😭😭😭

Not upset at all friend. I just have years of experience with chronic disease being healed by ketogenic and carnivorous diets.

We are all different and there is no one universally optimal diet.

I personally believe your comments to be very ignorant. Having years of research and first hand experience with myself and several others to know the value in such diets. Most mainstream nutritional course are absolute BS. The diet recommended by the ADA will give you diabetes.

I hope you have a great day.
@lepomis I've been doing keto for years (35). For me, it's the simplest way to keep my bodyfat from exploding and that's the only reason I'm doing it, no carb demonization factor included. I basically only had to say 'Goodbye' to bread, rice, pasta, and potates, which wasn't hard for me. While I probably could achieve the same by counting calories and trying to remain at maintenance, I find that much more tedious. I feel fantastic btw.
@dawn16 True I guess it works for some people, I just don’t like how some people treat it as if it’s the only “right/superior” way to eat