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  1. H

    What’s the natural progression from single arm C&J?

    What’s your all’s experience with progressing from a single bell to doubles? I’ve been doing C&Js with a single 24kg bell for a while and am interested in stepping up a notch, but am not sure if it is better to lighten the jerk and drop to double 16s or really overload the legs and go with...
  2. H

    (Yet another) Post-bastardized DFW wrap-up

    @orm97 No, not really. Usually just some stretching and mobility work on the off days along with some longer walks with the dog.
  3. H

    (Yet another) Post-bastardized DFW wrap-up

    Hey all, I know these type of threads are hashed out a lot, but I just wrapped up a run through of DFW last night and I wanted to give my thoughts and run down on what I did. First off - I started with 24kg being a 3-4RM for me (3 left, 4 right). I only have a single 24kg bell so I did all of...