(Yet another) Post-bastardized DFW wrap-up


New member
Hey all, I know these type of threads are hashed out a lot, but I just wrapped up a run through of DFW last night and I wanted to give my thoughts and run down on what I did.

First off - I started with 24kg being a 3-4RM for me (3 left, 4 right). I only have a single 24kg bell so I did all of my workouts in a single side manner and doubled up on the squats. For example, I would do C&P left/C&P right, rest, FS with the bell racked left/FS with the bell racked right.

From previous experience with some other "simplistic" programs, I know that I get bored doing the same movements every day regardless of rep/set size, so I bastardized the program a bit to keep some variation within the main overall context of the DFW outline. That's not a knock on effectiveness - if anything someone could probably argue that I made the program a bit less effective - but I added in pushups, dead snatches (I find these to feel more demanding and explosive to me when done in 1 rep increments compared to a regular snatch), and rows and really enjoyed how it worked out. The pushups and rows were done after the squats, and the snatches were done in place of one of the C&P sets. Overall, my program looked like this:

A1 = C&P, A2 = Front Squat, A3 = Dead Snatch, B1 = Pushup, B2 = Row

Sets of
Total Reps Completed

Week 1, Day 1
1, 2, 3
A1, A2, B1

Week 1, Day 2
A1, A2, B1

Week 1, Day 3
A1, A2, B2

Week 2, Day 1
1, 2, 3
A1, A2, B1

Week 2, Day 2
A3, A2, B1

Week 2, Day 3
A1, A2, B2

Week 3, Day 1
1, 2, 3, 4
A1, A2, B1

Week 3, Day 2
A3/A1, A2

Week 3, Day 3
A1, A2, B2

Week 4, Day 1
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
A1, A2, B1

Week 4, Day 2
A3/A1, A2

Week 4, Day 3
Alternate 3 and 4
A2, A2, B2

Week 5, Day 1
A1, A2, B1

Week 5, Day 2
Test New RM
Max A1
7 left, 8 right

Overall, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. It definitely kept it interesting for me rather than the monotony of only C&P and FS every day. W2/D2 I remember being a totally shit day that I forced myself to workout on and it backfired with me calling it quits around the 20 minute mark, hence the low rep total there. For W3/D2 and W4/D2, I did the first rep of the set as a dead snatch followed by a C&P for the second rep rather than doing all one way or the other.

In the end, I lost 6 lbs of bodyweight (249 down to 243), built a bit of noticeable definition in my legs and shoulders, and upped my max by 4 reps on each arm.