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    I hate to say it…all of the pull-up advice on this sub is 100% correct

    @ashleye23 Congratulations!!! The first is the hardest & you did it. I’m especially pleased to read you did them everyday. I’ll die on the hill that the ideal exercise to get the first varies for everyone (be it assisted pull-up machine, bands or negatives) BUT frequency/volume is key. It...
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    any success stories with going from very skinny to bigger/stronger?

    @cant_think_of_a_name Thank you very much! 2021 & 2022 were a trip seeing how much I could push myself. I’ve since dialled back & focus on maintaining the progress.
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    any success stories with going from very skinny to bigger/stronger?

    @gcrawford215 Thank you! I’m perhaps guilty of oversharing my old progress pics because it’s a little harder to find inspiration for “Skinny to not-so-skinny” progress. Inspiration abounds for skinny to curvy/thic but I’m not built that way. Plus lots of the “getting bigger” progress I found...
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    any success stories with going from very skinny to bigger/stronger?

    @jacob2658 Thank you! I’m much happier not being stick figure thin. I’m healthier & stronger physically & mentally.
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    any success stories with going from very skinny to bigger/stronger?

    @cwngfd It’ll take time but it’s definitely achievable. I started out an absolute twig in my 20s & now in my 30s, I have some mild to decent size on me. I’m not naturally built big & don’t think I’ll ever have a commanding presence but getting even a bit bigger/stronger the past few years was...
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    Very uplifting article I found about female strength training. Belief in yourself and your abilities is so important!!

    @nerissa1969 Are we twins?!? - Trying low fat made me grumpy. It didn’t taste good (I eat for joy) & it didn’t fill me up either. - Husband likes super high intensity workouts for short durations & I love my 1.5hr plus workouts.
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    Very uplifting article I found about female strength training. Belief in yourself and your abilities is so important!!

    @christi79 Program aside, I ate more food than I ever thought possible. I didn’t see visible progress until I really focused on food. That was & remains the master key. Program wise, I did this for 1.5yrs (except for 3 months when I did a custom bodybuilding plan); GZCLP (modified for only...
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    Very uplifting article I found about female strength training. Belief in yourself and your abilities is so important!!

    Thank you so very much @nicole17, @wallflower1104, @carrwinn, @rapturewatcher, @jsea, @t2therent-Hoe & @bexico! I appreciate it more than you know! I didn’t know this was what I wanted until I tried it & now I can’t get enough of it.
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    Very uplifting article I found about female strength training. Belief in yourself and your abilities is so important!!

    @pepa0505 Twigs United! My goal is 120lbs in the next year :-)
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    Very uplifting article I found about female strength training. Belief in yourself and your abilities is so important!!

    @pilot2015 I’m so glad to have been of help. I can’t stress how much a difference a calorie surplus made. It was like a light went off with my body & it said “Let’s go!“. Good luck with your progress! This sub is a wealth of information to help you get where you want :-)
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    Very uplifting article I found about female strength training. Belief in yourself and your abilities is so important!!

    @christi79 Thank you for sharing this highly informative article! I went from twig to a moderate sized branch by eating & lifting loads for a year plus. I see so much uncertainty in posts & I hope this encourages women to just go for it. Find what suits you (exercise/nutrition wise) & do it...
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    7 Months Recomp Progress + DEXA Scan Results (23.3% -> 18.8% BF)

    @colamex Your quads are lovely! Congrats on your progress.
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    Early morning gym goers, with family, how do you balance going to bed early with time for your partner?

    @dougnarg I just posted about this a few days ago. On good days (kids in bed on time, house hold tasks done etc.), I spend at least an hour each evening with spouse just hanging out, watching a show, chatting or being intimate. On bad days where everything’s taking longer, I have to give up...
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    Disappointed: weight loss didn’t equal bf% loss

    @cevans07 I don’t think this is accurate. Exercise, in particular strength training, can make a stark difference in your body fat percentage. You can weigh more with more muscle & yet have less body fat than someone who weighs less with less muscle (body recomposition). Anecdotally, this was...
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    The Elusive Pull-Up

    @markinsydney No worries! I was rushing myself & actually linked the wrong comment instead of this comment. I did 3 sets of 10 5x a week. Set 1 = 10 Reps taking breaks as needed. So at the beginning I’d do 3, rest. Do another 3, rest. Do another 2, rest. Do another 2, done. Repeat half-way...
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    School Fitness/Testing in your country

    @heartofberries I grew up in West Africa & attended a boarding school. The school year was set up into 3 terms, split into 2 half terms. Each half-term you played X sport for 6 weeks + general PE (running, stretching & bodyweight callisthenics) 2x a week. Unless you had a medical condition to...
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    The Elusive Pull-Up

    @markinsydney Sorry I fell asleep! I scrolled back in time to find this comment and honestly the key for me was volume, volume, volume.
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    The Elusive Pull-Up

    @markinsydney Indeed! I progressed much faster once I ditched it. I’m finally at sets of 10 unweighted & 5 weighted, no thanks at all to the assisted pull-up machine
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    The Elusive Pull-Up

    @twinmama This is so very thorough. Kudos @twinmama! And thank you for calling out the assisted pull-up machine. It is not your friend & will not get most (I’m sure there are exceptions) people to a strict pull-up. Yes...I’m still annoyed I wasted 6 weeks last year on them hoping for...
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    My physique at various body fat %'s (32 / 5'4" / 127 lbs)

    @trinity50 What an excellent post! Thank you for the detail & attention. I love that there is so much here I can relate to. Gaining muscle has been the best thing I’ve done for myself & your 80/20 approach to diet & lifting is exactly the path I’ve chosen myself. Also this! I weigh the most...