Very uplifting article I found about female strength training. Belief in yourself and your abilities is so important!!

@orisk And for diagnosis. My shoulder hurt and they said it could be one of 7 things, with how to figure out which it was. It turned out to be impingement, so I did their therapy video for that, and it fixed it. Better than waiting months for a doctor appointment and have them not know what to do anyway.

I think it was too-heavy farmer carries that got my shoulders. They had a test, if your thumbs face in instead of forward when you are standing, you have bad posture and put strain on your shoulders. So I exacerbated that.

Anyway, highly recommended.
@logeth Nice one, thanks. I tried negatives but it's so hard 😂. I can bench almost my bodyweight but still... Might finally invest in a band so. Thanks
@dawn16 If I can do it, you can do it, I'm sure. I am not naturally strong or athletic at all. This last couple years I've concentrated on bodyweight stuff for upper body. Pullups, dips, and pushups with weights just for overhead press.
@christi79 I loved this - I saw it a couple weeks ago and it really inspired me to be a bit more fearless. My mindset kinda switched from 'ummm I guess I'll try' to 'FUCK YEAH! I CAN TOTALLY LIFT THAT!' :-D

I mean sometimes I can't and I have to do the Wriggle of Shame out from under the safety bars when I bench but I am making good progress and earlier this week I squatted 85kg (my own bodyweight) and am approaching a 100kg deadlift!
@moviez5 No shame! I like knowing I did the absolute max I could. The only lift I actively avoid having to fail is squats, because if I can't squat it back up to shoulder level I can't get it back up there any other way, and it sucks to unload the bar just so I can put it back and then reload it for the next set. And that's fine with me because I limit my lower body training a bit anyway so that I can have full capacity for my long run of the week.
@nerissa1969 I am benching in about an hour and going to try for a new personal best, I might just shout 'ABSOLUTE MAXXXXXX' to hype myself up :-D

Edit: Yaaaaas! FINALLY managed a 100lb (45kg) bench press! 2 actually :-D
@christi79 Thank you for sharing this highly informative article! I went from twig to a moderate sized branch by eating & lifting loads for a year plus. I see so much uncertainty in posts & I hope this encourages women to just go for it. Find what suits you (exercise/nutrition wise) & do it!

Also, I read the other article, 9 Reasons Why women should not train like men & the first point resonates!

If you’re lean, you don’t smoke, don’t go binge drinking too often, eat a healthy diet and you exercise, research has found time and again and again and again that you have nothing to fear from a high fat diet.

I cannot eat low fat foods. I will not. During my 3mnth bodybuilding stint last year when I was paying for a coach, I followed her plan (including nutrition) exactly with the exception of fat intake. I just could not eat less than a 100g of fat daily. I’m fairly laisssez-faire about a lot of the “fitness rules” & ignore a lot, but this one always niggled at the back of my mind. So I’m very pleased to read that high fat is recommended after all.
@calso Daaaang! Such an inspiration!

I've been struggling with the nutrition aspect of trying to get ripped. After reading the main article and the 9 Reasons and seeing/reading your results, I'm going to tweak my macros!

Thanks for sharing!
@pilot2015 I’m so glad to have been of help. I can’t stress how much a difference a calorie surplus made. It was like a light went off with my body & it said “Let’s go!“.

Good luck with your progress! This sub is a wealth of information to help you get where you want :)
@calso That’s amazing! Fellow twig to moderate size as well! It’s such a liberating experience to go from feeling weak to feeling strong and confident. I’ve gained so much weight these past few years that at times I’m alarmed! I was used to seeing low 100s on the scale for most of my adult life and now that I’m in 130 mark I’m shocked!
Thank you so very much @nicole17, @wallflower1104, @carrwinn, @rapturewatcher, @jsea, @t2therent-Hoe & @bexico! I appreciate it more than you know! I didn’t know this was what I wanted until I tried it & now I can’t get enough of it.
@christi79 Program aside, I ate more food than I ever thought possible. I didn’t see visible progress until I really focused on food. That was & remains the master key.

Program wise, I did this for 1.5yrs (except for 3 months when I did a custom bodybuilding plan);

GZCLP (modified for only deadlifts & squats)
Stronglifts 5x5 (modified for only upper body)
FIT45 Classes 3x a week
@calso That article... is hilariously an exact description of the difference in diet and exercise preferences between me and my male partner.

I must eat a significant amount of fat to feel satiated, and my natural inclination puts me at 35-40% fat calories. Partner is satiated almost exclusively by protein and doesn't notice much difference by fat content. Partner likes quarter mile sprints, I look forward to the weekend when I have time to break into double digit miles. Speaking of which, I've always been absolutely befuddled by the outrageously high carbohydrate loads that are typical of distance runners. More than 55-60% carbs feels wasted to me, and an unnecessary strain on digestion.
@nerissa1969 Are we twins?!?
- Trying low fat made me grumpy. It didn’t taste good (I eat for joy) & it didn’t fill me up either.
- Husband likes super high intensity workouts for short durations & I love my 1.5hr plus workouts.