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  1. G

    16 Months to get a revenge body

    @aspatat find something you really love doing fitness wise and get really into it!!! buy cute workout clothes, bedazzle your water bottle, embroider a custom hot yoga sweat towel at Muji- it will help on days you feel less motivated! because the best thing you can do during the 16 months is...
  2. G

    Can’t slim arms (they get bulkier) 😫

    @kwellham Once a week- I found the biggest change when I locked down good form and focused mostly on speed/endurance rather than power- but with proper form! Upping the speed made my arms (and me overall aha) reaaal sweaty which helps me with the water retention and the proper form means safe...
  3. G

    Can’t slim arms (they get bulkier) 😫

    @kwellham I box!! it has toned my arms up immensely, that’s my problem area too.