16 Months to get a revenge body

@aspatat No specific advise but think of them during your workouts, especially the ones where you feel like you are dragging, if you are like me, it will give you the boost you need to push yourself the extra mile šŸ˜ˆ
@aspatat Okay, not related to fitness, but get a haircut or some other self-care confidence-boosting change youā€™ve always wanted to do. I cut my hair short for the first time in 10 years after my abusive ex-fiancĆ© cheated and removed himself from my life, and it was the best decision Iā€™ve ever made.

All the love to you, and good luck on your journey to self-love (and revengeā€¦teehee)! From one wronged woman to another it sure does feel good to show them up.
@aspatat The key is to not overdo it! I find that itā€™s easier to stick to something when you approach it with a slow and steady mentality versus starting out full throttle and then getting burnt out!
@aspatat As a supplement to the very good advice youā€™ve already gotten here, I recommend taking pole dancing classes if thatā€™s an option for you. Not only is it a full body exercise, but it can help you appreciate just how sexy you are so that you show up to that wedding with full confidence.

Alternatively, the Ruth Pilates Studio app has Sensulaties, which is really darn fun and full of juicy movements. (It also has other Pilates modalities).

You got this!
@aspatat Get it girl! Count calories and add in one new routine at a time. Slow and steady.

Calculate your TDEE and subtract 300-500/day. Thatā€™ll have you losing 0.5-1.0 lbs per week to start. Learn to control your diet consistently. Do cardio 2-3 times a week but keep it simple and donā€™t eat back your calories.

After 2-3 months, add in more exercise. Lifting. Hereā€™s where you might hire a trainer for 2-4 sessions to learn what works for you and nail your form.

Last but not least - spray tan, nails, teeth whitening. And killer dress! Get it tailored so the fit is immaculate.

If you can do all that, youā€™ll be down 60 lbs. (Iā€™m 5ā€™3ā€ and 120 and very happy with that weight), toned, and most importantly, HAPPY AND HEALTHY! The best revenge of all.
@aspatat As you should! Love this. For 16 months... I would download my fitness pal stick to a modest calorie deficit (around 1600 cals) and weightlift heavy. I would also track my workouts to make sure I'm progressing. It is insaaaaane how much change you can make in a short period of time because in reality the first year of training is the one you see the most change, after that it is hard to see more. Use this disgusting thing that happened to you to create habits and a lifestyle you are proud of, no better revenge than that!!! But yes for sure calorie deficit and streght training or even F45. People shit on F45 but I find it can provide a BIG change to newbies if you are not into all of the gym stuff or scared to start. Commit to a workout out and commit to tracking for a while and use your sr. Cheater as inspiration
@aspatat My advice would be to implement sustainable habits. Start tracking your current calories then eat at a deficit. Start working out in whatever way you enjoy and will stick with (gym, at home, sports etc). 16 months is a long time and if you jump into a crazy plan youā€™ll burn out and yo-yo. Creating good healthy habits will have you looking bomb in 16 months, and as a bonus, youā€™ll be healthier and likely keep your bangin new bod forever!
@aspatat First of all diet is 80% what food you put in your body 20% (or imo even less than that) exercise. Calories in calories out (CICO). Since you are short/petite you are probably similar to my daily goal of 1300 calories a day- I am 5ā€™2 so yours may be 1300-1400 calories. Find out your TDEE online (how active you are/your height/weight/etc) and stick to those calories. Make sure you are logging them- a good app to use is LoseIt.

16 months, you got this. The key is CONSISTENCY. Do not give up if youā€™ve hit a rough patch, just start over the next day. Keep going until you see results and once you see results it will get easier and easier.
@aspatat 1) cut out junk food as much as possible (of course donā€™t be too strict as tbis might cause u to go into a cycle but binging/restricting but in general replace junk food with fruits especially. 2) get at least 10k steps a day
3) when youā€™re making /eating meals focus on getting some protein, veggie and carb in each meal and eat the protein and veggie first and then your carb source

good luck!!! iā€™m rooting for you šŸ«¶šŸ¼
@aspatat I just want to tell you, itā€™s doable. I started very similar to your stats and in 13 months got down to 135 lbs from 181, and got visible abs. I counted calories with the Lose It app and went to the gym 4-5x a week doing a mix of weight lifting, cardio (mostly spin), and Pilates. You got this, Iā€™m rooting for you!!
@aspatat find something you really love doing fitness wise and get really into it!!!

buy cute workout clothes, bedazzle your water bottle, embroider a custom hot yoga sweat towel at Muji- it will help on days you feel less motivated! because the best thing you can do during the 16 months is MAINTAIN CONSISTENCY.
@aspatat Walk every day, only a couple miles. Even if youā€™re exhausted or unmotivated, get those couples of miles in for your mental health. People underestimate the magic of walking.

If you donā€™t exercise or donā€™t sleep well that day, thatā€™s ok, at least walk.
@aspatat I can send you my food plan that got me down to 122 pounds from 160 and Iā€™ve maintained for over a year now. You just have to measure all your food, overtime youā€™ll be really good at eyeballing things but I still measure everytime I can, just not something I do when I go out to eat.Itā€™s from a dietician. Idk if itā€™s too tailored cause you said what you want inspiration can eat whatever you want, just measure it out. Either way, you have to form habits that you can do for the rest of your life no matter what if you want to keep it off and make this journey worth while! Hope this helps